I really enjoy co-op horde mode games, I played the heck out of L4D back in the day. It’s a nice change of pace from just running around and fighting other players all the time.
I really enjoy co-op horde mode games, I played the heck out of L4D back in the day. It’s a nice change of pace from just running around and fighting other players all the time.
I’m really hoping they add more like this to Overwatch, as sorta the progression for the background story. This pve horde game-mode is so much better then the Halloween event.
I wonder if I’ll be bored enough with FFXIV Stormblood prior to Destiny 2 coming out... oh who am I kidding, all my friends will be playing Destiny 2 while I’m playing Stormblood... the bastards.
Not going to lie, just the other day I was thinking “Man, it’s a shame Destiny didn’t just come out on PC, probably going to skip this title, this time, even though I want to play.”
I am not ashamed of the fact that I want this game.
One of my beefs with the WiiU in general is that there’s been a lack of updates for most games. Hyrule Warriors had the same issue, it came out on the WiiU, they promised a ton of future updates, got nothing, then they released it on the 3DS with some new stuff that they STILL never put on the WiiU.
As a person who worked for a Comic/Collectable Game store, I can confirm this has been true since Wizards of the Coast was releasing magic. Whenever we got a new box of cards we’d dump out the open box and shuffle the packs around before putting them back in the box, just so we didn’t screw over the customers.
Do they cover the fact that most of the swords were actually super dull and half the time it was actually bludgeoning the other person to death?
I would bet that they’re actually drowning in money. The amount of money people dote on popular mobile games borders on insanity.
I feel like I’m aging myself pretty bad, but even as someone who had an Atari 2600, I really loved the feeling of hanging out at the arcade. Used to spend hours at a local place called “More Fun”.
The amount of money people blow on mobile games is mind boggling.
Steam Reviews has so many complaints by people who came into this game thinking that Early Access means “actually playable”. People seem to forget that Early Access is basically the equivalent of paying to be a beta tester.
I’ll just... leave this here...
Like a child caught with it’s hand in the cookie jar, GameStop Corporate quickly withdraws said hand and slaps themselves on the wrist and blames their hand for having a mind of it’s own! Obviously Corporate didn’t want the cookie, so they have to tell the hand “No!” in a firm manner for the parental public.
My question is... if Blizzard is allowing these PC Bangs to use this hourly pay to play model, why are they not forcing these same PC Bangs to regulate their network better.
It’s kinda funny that it’s this way as well, considering I’m pretty sure one of the major reasons to become famous is to get all the sex.
I know Reaper has definitely gotten more lethal around her, but he’s supposed to rip up tanks.
I mostly play D’va and didn’t even realize the change honestly, probably because I always played her as up close and in your face. Who doesn’t like to be bulldozed by a giant robot I mean honestly, GET IN THERE!