
I think there is a bug in general with launching effects since the last patch. It seems like people are getting flung much farther then they have been in the past.

Andromeda is set hundreds of years ahead of the original Mass Effect titles

I did not realize that the new one was a prequel, I guess the galaxy basically did implode after three.

I hate the new hook, not because it’s not the improvement that Roadhog needed, but because it makes him ridiculously more lethal. His hook used to really penalize you for missing, but now it seems so much more forgiving, which just means that an already extremely lethal tank is just that much more lethal :\

True, it definitely makes it more difficult, but it’s still broken that she can instantly teleport back to her own flag. Seen it work quite a few times landing a grab within the first 15 seconds of the match.

I played this mode last night for an hour and a half before managing a single win. So many draws... just so many draws.

If you have a person wearing bulky heavy outfits all the time, suddenly wearing light and thin fabric outfits, it going to look like they lost weight.

It’s probably because it hasn’t had wide release in the United States. The Oscars have always been pretty focused on what did best in American Theaters versus globally about their nominations. Since it’s due to release in the US this year, I’d say look for it in the 2017 Oscar Nominations.

As a player, I’m okay with the changes, it means that she hits a lot harder when she’s up close and personal like she’s supposed to be, while giving her more fall off if the enemy keeps their distance.

Me too! I didn’t realize they had made a game! Or was the game first then the anime, the whole “bringing it west” makes me feel like the game came out a while ago.

32 gig of internal memory? What the hell Nintendo... my cellphone has twice that. I mean I know you’re trying to keep the price low, but seriously?

I’ll support Steak Donuts, lets make this a thing.

Consider my curiosity peaked. I love adventure games :D

He’s got a big katana and you know what they say about Ninjas and the size of their katanas.

Huge image files of tiny tokens, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

“We’re cancelling this new, anticipated IP in favor of spending more time and effort on the IPs we plan to grind into a fine sandy grit.”

So I don’t play Roadhog much, out of the tank characters he’s my least favorite. That said, while I like that the hook doesn’t have such ridiculous advantages anymore, I think the speed at which it travels towards players is going to be an issue that’s going to cause his hook to be near useless unless he has a clear

I was still pretty sad about Disney Infinity’s cancellation. I had just started getting into the game and they’re like “NOPE WE’RE DONE” :<

Yeah, I remember those sweet sweet days of playing ME3 multi-player and getting the mid-match return to login screen because Origin randomly dropped connection. SO guud!

Not going to lie, I’d name a girl Terra.