
The only reason companies make such a big deal out of discussing salary is that they don’t want people knowing that the new personal assistant is making $7 more an hour then the person who’s been with the company for 5 years.

I’m kind of sitting in that boat of “do I want to download and play right now” because I’m actually more worried that playing Legion currently would cause me to do something crazy like.... play WoW again for real.

Pretty sure if you’re going to back door, it’s best to:

I’m aware, but it is a subscription based software that promotes it’s purchasers to break the policies of the game in question. So yes, it doesn’t stand up in court, however it is still ripe for satire.

Blizzard sues company for making money off a 3rd party software that’s against the Terms of Service.

K/D Ratio is the worst thing about team games. Nothing destroys teamwork faster then a bunch of numbers people can throw in your face if they want to blame you for the failure of the team.

D.Va’s not the only one with a lethal self-ult.

Yeah, kinda feeling the whole vibe where if you have someone constantly losing in their lane it’s a more guaranteed loss, but then I guess the advantage is that you don’t take 40 minutes to lose and instead lose in 10.

I have a pretty good one: Teammate McCree goes in, kills three people, me following behind him as Mei gets play of the game. I didn’t even do anything besides put up a wall to slow their scattering.

I was hoping she’d show up after the whole Harrowing plot line

Looking forward to trying the new characters out! Now if I had more time in the day for Fallout 4, FFXIV’s new patch, and Overwatch.

GameStop, that friend of a friend that knows too much and spoils all the surprises

I’m looking forward to Twitch Plays Cho’gall


I hate giving any sort of acknowledgement that GameStop knows what’s going on behind the scenes at these companies, primarily because they’re like the biggest spoilers in the entire industry, but they do tend to be correct about things.

I am not ashamed of my desire to want this game.

Congratulations on letting the bad guys win.

Such a beautiful play.

Incoming swarm of ADC Kindred, because Jungle failures.

Nothing says romance like asking someone to marry you at an event in front of millions of rabid, frothing from the mouth video game fans.