
Some people just enjoy playing their League matches on the fridge or microwave oven. I have a special set up for my Toaster so that it makes toast every time I kill someone.

I really want to say to anyone who’s curious and/or fence sitting, considering picking up the Stanley Parable and trying it out. I need to grab this one myself, but it’s nice to play a game that isn’t just a game but is thought provoking and invokes a sense of curiosity.

They already are, it’s just every time they “march into combat” they get stoned first and end up at White Castle.


“Always looking for ways to be more efficient in our life? With this delightful app, all it’ll take is one click to alienate your friends and neighbors!

You’re like a record stuck on repeat. Are you a bot that just posts this image every time a League of Legends story gets posted?

I think Kindred is perhaps the most popular character announcement Riot has made recently, can’t believe how popular it is.

I just wanna start by saying that I hate elemental cliches.

Does he also go into spooky houses that are haunted with a magical ghost trapping camera. Maybe try to throw “fireballs” at parked cars until they fall apart in 30 seconds or less. Or around popping mushrooms into his mouth and jumping on turtles, while jump-punching overhangs?

That Sindra video. Pretty sure they made it so you can’t pick up and throw those creatures anymore, which is actually pretty saddening. If you watch the video, she’s pulling the mob away from the enemy team in the later “trolling” which honestly is a legitimate tactic (if trollish)

Is it like the classic JRPGs were it comes out in Japan then takes a year and a half to be localized everywhere else, or where it comes out in Japan and they are like “Nah, Americans will hate this” and never release it in the U.S.?

There’s nothing good about ‘shit talking’ it’s really un-sportsman-like and really childish. The problem is that someone took ribbing and went too far and then shit talking became a somewhat acceptable behavior.

I think that there’s two things that make it very clear the issue here:

Feels like a poor decision to go with someone who’s a money person over a creative person when Nintendo is doing fine financially, but terribly in the market it’s intended for.

For Lost in the Sauce:

I was actually talking to my roommates about the cost of runes and such for League just last night. It costs 1/3rd of a champion to get a single Quint and you need 3 realistically, plus all the other runes, it means that just buying a single champ and theoretically all the runes you need to be successful (pending them

Personally considering the low play rates (but really high win rates) of champs like The Lost Vikings in HoTS, I don’t really feel like League has need for them anyway. While the concept is pretty cool, the “character” is usually difficult or even frustrating to micro-manage, also due to their multi-character nature,

Just a second, need to put this article in the “Reasons People Suck Folder” then return to my Castle of Solitude

Need some Poutine Lays, but I can pretty much figure this would end up full of regret as well.

I had massive disappoint when #10 was finally announced that it was not coming. I’ll support this if the game gives a frigging ending to the story because gawdamn pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase it’s been 14 frigging years Joe... 14 YEARS