
Ugh, that is definitely 18 lines of really ugly code

The negativity towards pre-ordering and buying DLC before it's announced isn't really about the fact that they are pre-orders or pre-purchasing DLC and the fact that publishes barely live up to their promises.

Considering how little content there actually is in the game, I always just roll my eyes when people seem to complain about the grinding. They have to make the game as grindy as possible since it's all they have to draw players in on a daily basis and stay interested in the game. The PvP is sub-par, doing the "Daily

They're tax exempt because you're not actually buying anything. You're trading cash for another representation of cash. Since you'll be taxed on the final purchase when you actually use the gift card, you'd be getting double-dinged for paying tax on the gift card itself.

Varric's crossbow Bianca is unique in Inquisition, as it's the only weapon he's ever allowed to use throughout the game. That means that you'll have to upgrade it regularly to keep pace with your other gear. You can do that right off the bat, however—go to the main weapon merchant in Haven, and you can get one of each

Yeah, only the first guy was smart enough to use cash. Course, his twitter account has all his contact information anyway. So these people are not the criminal masterminds that they are trying to tout themselves as.

I don't know for sure. Depends on how often it appears and how diligent (and bored) their PR/Tech team is. Walmart isn't really like Taco Bell or those other companies that respond to tweets very often, so it's possible they don't even have someone monitoring social media. It's plausible to assume they won't even

I meant the store addresses, I should have been more clear. Store addresses, store numbers and product numbers, means they can track all purchases of this type, including probably the employees that sold the product as well and all transaction information associated with it like debit/credit cards, those numbers and

Funny, yet possibly tragic thing, this article will probably be what alerts Walmart to the activity.

Depends on if the Lawyers can prove that the purchasers willfully knew that it was a way to scam them at first (the second and third image could definitely be construed that way). Then they'd probably get slapped with Receipt of Stolen Goods, which is a misdemeanor and I'm sure they'd end up with liability of damages

Yeah, I was thinking this too. Probably not a fantastic idea to be tweeting about how you defrauded a multi-billion dollar company, they tend to have lawyers.

This was announced ages ago before the game even came out. I think there's actually supposed to be 2 PS exclusive strikes total.

If everything in a game is mechanical, what is the point of playing it. Like you said, you had everything figured out, everything down to the T, basically guaranteeing a win every time just because everyone was a peg that fit into the right hole every time?

FFFFFFFFFffffff.... Mewtwo was my bro in the original, been waiting for him to come back, but I have to buy the 3DS and Wii version just to get him, that sucks :\

I'm in the same boat, my issue being the RNG gods have decided not to award me a weapon worth a grain of salt.

It's much too difficult to access our inventories at the moment, particularly when under heavy fire on a high-level raid. It'd be nice to have an inventory wheel that lets players quickly access different weapon loadouts, ammo packs and other consumables, and check the status on various bounties. There's no reason we

It is absurd that Destiny doesn't allow players to skip cutscenes. Embarrassing, really. The Queen's Wrath bounties tasked me with completing the "Restoration" mission multiple times, and each time I did, I had to sit through the interminable cutscene where the Speaker talks about how the children are frightened

This is a really good example of cause and effect. Media outlets spent years vomiting out fright tactics to get violent video games banned saying terrorists using video games to promote their agendas, but not having any proof to back up those claims. Of course eventually a terrorist group catches on and says "Hey,

... yep, cause no crime happens in Europe, it's the land of Wonders.

Everyone kind of complains about the story about it being generic, but that makes it perfect for a twist on this sort of scale. There's another character you speak too early on who says "You have to align yourself with someone, even if it's the wrong one". So there's definitely a Mystery.