
Personally, I find the team size to be perfect. I don't need to have like half a dozen people with me to enjoy a game, sure if you have 5 friends who want to play at the same time, you can't do the standard missions with all of them at once, they can branch off in a team of 2. You can still run Strikes with them (9

A while ago there was mention of Suikoden II possibly coming out on PSN, I think it was because of name registration or something. I wonder if that fell through. I always loved Suikoden II as well. Such a little under-appreciated RPG

It's kinda hard to get excited about system exclusives when everyone you're playing with has them too. Exclusives are cool when you get to show them off, with no cross platform capabilities they're just not as exciting. Well... I suppose unless you stream a lot.

I loved the shit out of this game, but I learned something ages ago from watching old Saturday morning cartoons I watched as a kid.... never try to relive something you adored in the past if you want to maintain your sanity.

Honestly, as I see it, even if the game is F2P I try to put $20 into it at the minimum, whether or not I get into the game itself or not. It's really just a way to say "I acknowledge that someone probably worked 48 hours straight at some point on this game and that they should be recognized at least in some way."

The second letter seems to me like he's got 'doormat syndrome' where he's just a little too nice, so he's getting involved with people who are actively taking advantage of him. I bet had he mentioned more things like his job or daily life, probably see a trend in that as well.

If she cheated on you right after you hinted that you planned to propose (and this isn't a defense for cheaters) but it sounds like she sabotaged the relationship. It's pretty common in long distance relationships.

It's so sad that I'm compelled to re-up JUST for a mini-pet I'll like never use again. Maybe the expansion following Warlords might drag me back.

Incoming flood of gifs from ten years ago! Flood sirens goooooo

The one for me is bread and milk. You can get 2 for the same price as 1 in supermarkets.

Knights of the Old Republic 2 had lots of potential, it's unfortunate that it was only about 50% of a game... bug ridden and never actually completed.

I loved SaGa Frontier, so underrated at the time

It's kind of a shame that games nowadays are constantly getting compared to other games, but unfortunately it feels like so many games are the same thing over and over. I suppose ultimately that's what sells, so just recreating the median is guaranteed money. I'm not even a console person and I want to buy a PS4 for

I'm sure the game is fantastically entertaining, but Dead Island?

Breaking: Netflix to Relaunch FIREFLY: "Continuing our tradition of breaking new ground, Netflix is proud to announce that we have reached a deal with 20th Century Fox Television to produce 26 new episodes of Joss Whedon's critically-acclaimed series FIREFLY," said Netflix Senior VP of Development Lirpa Sloof in a

I really hate saying this, but the app-stores for Apple and Google are like a cesspool. You've got these sparkling little gems floating around in a black, viscous sludge of copycats and pirated-asset games. Said sludge spends all it's time trying to envelop said gems and produce more of itself, while the gems get

I like to think of it more like this: Imagine your local town cleared this huge area of land to make a pretty little park for everyone to enjoy. They asked for donations and support and you bought them a oak tree. Now the town has this prime beautiful real estate with high property values and they sell it to Six

I agree with you, on the good riddance part, but companies like Zynga are roaches, they never quite go away. Unfortunately Zynga won that IPO case that would have ruined them completely. They'll fly low under the radar for a year or two, make a few quiet game releases or something, eventually I'm sure they'll do

King opened the Pandora's Box with their copyright claims, basically destroyed any and all respect people actually had for the money grubbing company, now all they are left with in the box is hope. If they're lucky, in a few months they'll be like Zynga, desperately trying to keep themselves out of the news long