
No white guilt here, no huge love of marines (they were more like a PMC as it was…) and yeah, I'm an American, but that's really beside the point. 3 didn't feel like psychological horror. It just felt like a butchering caught on camera. It didn't expand on the universe nearly as much, it didn't take me anywhere. Just

The Xenomorphs have always been a hive minded creature… every book and script I've seen focused on them being as such. If it had been individualistic, I think it would have been a little too much like other alien organisms that were being made at the time and have since then. The storyline of Newt, Hicks and Bishop

Aliens was the high point of the entire series. 3 was a production hell abomination to the franchise that killed off one of the truly epic stories that could have been: Newt, Hicks and Bishop tearing up Alien nests all over the galaxy. But studio politics killed that right off. Resurrection had Ron Perlman… and I love