
Maybe if people on the left would, you know, join the party with the most impressive resume of any US party cutrent or former of creating and passing progressive ideas into law, and do some boots-on-the-ground activism in between presidential elections, the Democratic Party would have the vision it’s needing. Armchair

Or she meant exactly what she said. It is only one district, in a blue area, with a heavily Latinx demographic. Democratic voters took winning for granted in 2016 and decided staying home and wallowing in their stupid thoughtless impotent protest of one was safe because how could a baffoon like Trump win against

This isn’t the boomer’s fault. They vote in droves and via Clinton and later Obama their voting gave us the more progressive judges. This is solidly the fault of younger voters whom, while representing the largest bloc of eligible voters, still chose to not cast ballots. Either they were Clinton haters, misogynists,

My god, drop it already. SO the fuck WHAT if they DID happen to paint all white people with the same brush? Does it really matter that much one way or another? Enough to hijack an entire comment section to make it all about YOUand bore the shit out of the rest of us? Guess what? People are allowed to dislike white

Oh who the fuck cares! You’re wasting tons of time and energy on a word— a fucking WORD, which doesn’t harm Ivanka at ALL!— when you could and should instead be getting the vapors over the immigration crisis that is being enacted by this fascist cabal! You’re blabbing on and on about one word, as if it fucking

Really because for a minute I thought it was a disingenuous way for them to distract us from the real issue of family-destroying shitty immigration policies Ms. Bee was disparaging them about.

This isn’t hypocrisy, this is FAIRNESS.

Good for you on your last sentence, if you actually think that way. Idealism is a beautiful but dying art.

Not for the Kindle version of the book, and I use Prime almost exclusively so any shipping charges I’ve paid in the past were primarily for my wanting an item expedited. I use Amazon normally most of the time but there are so many beauty items that are add-on only unless you buy from a third party vendor for a

The only good cop is a dead cop.

I thought only children were diagnosed with C-PTSD? If this has changed let me know because I am a sufferer of BPD and it’s coming back in my 30s and I’m scared of getting more inadequate treatment for my PTSD if I go get help again. I have C-PTSD, and I am not hopeful that I will see 40 if they can’t treat me

This may be a helpful hint as well: To hit my delivery threshold with the scourge of wanting something which is an add-on-only item, I add an expensive book with a publishing date well in the future (cook books or art and design books are good for this). I check out, wait for my order to ship, then cancel the book

Christ Almighty. I knew a guy wrote this by the second paragraph. This is why Jezebel needs to stop giving male writers so much space. She didn’t “go away when it seemed the world wanted her to?” Why would she? And which world “wanted her to?” Her fans?

From an outsiders perspective, it appears the people who don’t know what Sheesh is talking about are white, and offended, and it is not that she isn’t making her point. They can’t see her point through all the tears in their eyes.

A lot of people have positive energy. Against seemingly insurmountable odds. Where is their fandom? Why are we flocking to a skinny white chick who is rich just from being a pretty teenager, instead of rallying around somebody different than skinny white teenage girls, or somebody more admirable? I mean admirable

Was planning on it! Without your permission too.

Except these hot takes came from Dan Savage, so...

This article either ripped off Dan Savage’s article, or Dan Savage ripped off this one.

Dude, cop to deez nuts and shut the fuck up. Nobody here is concerned with how to impress you, especially mothers with valid worries about how to avoid raising a punk-ass rapist or school shooter. That is the kind of shit we need MORE mothers to start thinking about when they have male children. Sorry not sorry when