
I am usually a pacifist, but I hope the victim’s mother and grandmother die in a slow, tortuous car fire. She has no idea how much her lack of support will worsen the sexual abuse and aggravate the ways that will already fuck up this child, when love, kindness, and support from her one and only mother may have helped

No need for your approval, thanks.

Rapists aren’t psychopaths or ignorant or any of the sorry excuses you want to make for them. No matter their race, age, or wealth, rapists and sexual abusers are 98% men. Name the problem. If you don’t see that severely imbalanced proportion as being a gendered phenomenon, you have my sympathies. The culture of toxic

Why should anybody hate all Muslims? I don’t. Men treat women horridly. This includes Muslim men. There are plenty of Muslims who are not abusive. They’re called women.

Dear men:

Early in the article it said premium Burner app accounts can make more burner numbers, then you said they can’t. Just a heads up, some may get confused.

You don’t choose to be black, gay, Arabic, or Mexican. And none of those things are inherently harmful or wrong whatsoever.

The choice to be a bigot, racist, xenophobic, sexist, hateful fucker, on the other hand...

What a crap actor Jimmy Fallon is.

I was unable to sleep in a room WITH another person present until I was 13. The only time I could sleep before the sun rose was in the same bed as someone. Mom, aunt, grandmother, anybody. I was terrified of the dark, and monsters, and bogeymen. It was the biggest pain in the ass imaginable. It still is, sometimes.

lol you think gay boys didn’t join the scouts.

Young American white men have got to be the most socially inept losers on the planet.

There’s no fuzz on my peach, so, more like a nectarine.

Oh brother.

It’s simplistic because it really isn’t any more complicated than that. Shut the fuck up and quit ‘splaining.

Male politicians, anyway. Are you a woman?

Nobody is afraid to hold women accountable; we do everything wrong and live under scrutiny anyway. Maybe life would be fairer if more women were police officers.

When it starts happening to men. Until then, nobody cares or takes it seriously. Because, as with most things on the planet, “fuck women” is why.

It was the norm before Facefuck.

No of course it’s better to pound it into the ground for the next ten days because delicate old ladies be faintin’ amirite

Linen suits will save her this sunny September. They look classy and chill AF too.