Oh goody, the dudebros have arrived.
Oh goody, the dudebros have arrived.
You have a moneymaker on your hands there, friend.
Because NVC said so, which probably means it isn't so. ;D
Also not as great as The Toast. :|
How is The Toast a lady-blog?
Also, Kris’ plastic surgery is fine, and understated. She actually looks very dignified for a woman of her age. You might want to ponder why a woman’s face matters so much to you, and causes you so much anger.
She's never been well-liked because people don't like women. People here will fall all over themselves to validate Caitlyn, while at the same time never respecting her family as women of value.
You're very lucky, then.
He’s so excited, and he just can’t hide it
I get horny at the most inopportune times. I don't know how I could ever handle being a a guy and having people know about it without me even saying anything. But I'd probably avoid events such as nude bike rides in public.
Male Astronomy 101: The world revolves around my dick.
Sure, here: http://m.thenation.com/article/178140…
It’s amazing how many comments here fall all over themselves praising Caitlyn as a woman while tearing down other women by name.
Into which language?
It did happen, when Wendy Davis was taking her stand and the women attending came up with an fundraising/solidarity event named something regarding the law staying out of their uteri. Trans folk organized backlash. You can read about it on the Nation website.
Ehhm. No, I don’t think we are on the same page with our points, or even the same area code.
For me, it was feminists telling cis women that using the words “vagina” and “uterus” while protesting the eradication of abortion rights was “transphobic”.
Few men have a sense of humor about themselves, and when it comes from women none do.
I've seen you defend abusers of women elsewhere on here. Be gone, dick.
But you do. Sorry, the truth hurts.