
If misandry were actually a thing, guys like this dude would be why.

Yours is the greatest username in ever.

(Off the top of my head) "My guys are still under a judicial restraining order! That blue thing I got from her. They could be exposing themselves!"

If that blows your mind, wait until you hear about how many people who haven't even seen the fucking thing yet say they hate it.

Chaplin was pretty good.

No, I don't, but I have what *I* think is a good solution or two. If I do, other people who aren't white guys but ARE in the film industry and have better ideas probably (definitely) do.

It may have something to do with the fact that white people already get enough parts. Like, nearly every single part, and when the idea is floated to change it up a bit, white people lose their fucking shit too. Donald Glover even being suggested as Spiderman did not go gently into that good night. Neither did Idris


What? What does it give you? Is it pantsfeels? It's pantsfeels isn't it.


Since they don't care about pissing people off, they did everything just fine. If they actually did care, they could have avoided this situation it altogether if they had people other than white men deciding everything about these projects. I know that's like asking the sun not to rise, but maybe different people help

One day dudes like this are going to have to stop using the term SJW to deflect valid criticism from the shitty non-diverse agenda they are pushing. The one people are sick of who will some day stop spending money to be fans. The people I saw who were asking WTF about Ghost in the Shell were not social justice

I mean, Salt- N Pepa are a reason to go on their own. If they added Faith No More, Missy Elliot, and PJ Harvey, I'd rock this 90s show.

Is…are you kidding?

I miss Shallon.

Oh. Um….so, the woman goes on top?

Ugh. I don't want to see Zola's funny-ass story filtered through the lens of a white dude. They really couldn't find a black woman to direct this? Someone who can actually appreciate the tale from the familiarity it evokes? Or any woman, for that matter. Talented people can do it, but not this white fckboi. That he

She uses her celebrity to champion gay rights, so, not gonna hate.

I started watching Bill Burr clips and got the same shit. I am in love with his stand-up but I am not about to give a shit about MGTOW or professional rambler GirlWritesRut.

I think people watched Getting On but eventually realized they prefer Nurse Jackie. I mean, I like both shows, but it did kind of make me wish I was watching Nurse Jackie instead.