
I was floored to see this exists. Who is going to these movies? Why? There are so many good murder mysteries in the world between TV and film, many of them Christie adaptations. Is it just the celeb appeal? Because Branagh is the most boring Poirot ever.

Death on the Nile wasn’t just equally as boring/bad as Orient Express. It was way worse. It was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in terms of plot construction and direction. My mother is a very uncritical consumer of pop culture—she likes everything and says everything is “good.” Even she finished Death on the

Ashton Kutcher is absolutely fuming that his time spent telling us that “real men don’t buy girls” a decade ago didn’t buy him a little goodwill here. Isn’t being against some forms of rape enough???

Keeping his head down and staying out of it.  Which honestly, is the best move.

There’s a whiff of “Roman got caught for doing shit a whole lot of entertainment industry types were doing back then,” and since he ran - those who “support” him are more chagrinned and relieved that he took one for the team and just glad that they didn’t get caught. That’s a whiff anyway.

Maybe it’s just me, but that so-called ‘apology’ sure AF comes off as more like they were seriously pissed off having to make it and doesn’t seem sincere at all. Their nice little speech sounds nothing like empathy and more like it’s based in anger. Anger that it got too hot for them and that they had to retract their

there hasn’t been a good one made yet. How do these keep getting made? Are they really making that much money for all the talent involved?

The apology itself boils down to “hey, we’re sorry you found about this. It was never our intention that anyone would find out we were vouching for this rapist. We thought we could get him a reduced sentence without you or the victims noticing, and we deeply regret that it hasn’t played out that way.”  I buy that

Maybe they meant “should’ve won Best Picture”.

Personally I stopped watching about halfway through Branagh’s adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express as it somehow managed to make the source material boring.

I know people love a prison rape joke, but just to bring the mood down a little, I’ll say that as a victim of child sex abuse, I never for a second wished rape on my abuser. Death, absolutely. Frequently and fervently, in fact. But I don’t wish rape on anybody, and would rather hear that Danny Masterston spent the

Seems we’re getting a lot of these-snowflakes-need-to-suck-it-up type comments. It would be nice if at some point people realized that mentality is why workplace cultures deteriorate to the point where people, often bleeding from a thousand cuts, start contemplating suicide. Yes, there is a degree to which people need

I love how people take “I’d like it if my bosses weren’t outright mean to me” to mean “I want everyone to be my bestie and I want everyone to praise me every time I do or say something I perceive as great.”

Speaking to the open secret involving his drinking, it was reported that after the WGA strike began, Fallon failed to show up to a staff meeting to address if/when they would be furlowed and what their employment situation would.  The rumor is he didn’t show because he was nursing a hangover from the night before.

You are so close to getting it.

Not new that this industry is high stress and high turnover.”

It took me a long time, but eventually I learned that talking like "the funny one" on a sitcom is not an appropriate way to behave in real life, and especially not in the workplace. 

Cool, do you often tell depressed people maybe they should kill themselves?

you should try to find better work environments then.