
They're not talking about adaptations for the screen but alterations of new editions of the books themselves.

I think a lot of the appeal of Dahl to kids is that he has a real mean streak, and that makes them different from saccharine kids’ books.  Over time, adults tend to forget those parts, and some of the novelty wears off, since lots of adults books are willing to embrace unpleasantness.  And they tend to look back and

Fair chance I'm wrong, but I thought they updated the book to remove the Keanu stuff. Maybe you didn't have the original print?

You would not include Huck Finn in a college course because of the use of the N-Word? They are college students. I doubt any black person should be scandalized by the word’s use in a text. If so, then I may have to reconsider some of the things Bill Maher has said.

I’ll never get tired of this.

Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other friends?

 The Shield’s “Family Meeting” and Review’s “Lightning, Cryogenics, Last Review”

I realize to younger folk “boomers” are the oldest people they can think of, but Steve Martin is only arguably a Boomer being born in 1945 (Short is solidly one however). We live in a world where the POTUS is a Silent Generation member, a generation that never has gotten its due. As a GenXer, a member of a generation

> Telemarketers is an evolving project for Lipman-Stern, who entered the telemarketing firm Civic Development Group as a teenage high-school dropout.

The article very consistently says that the series is *filmed* and never once claims it was *finished*.

In 2019, Disney had seven billion dollar movies. If you’re looking for them to return to that, pack a lunch.

Please describe the agenda you’re referring to.

Talk about splitting hairs - no, The Batman isn’t an origin story (and Gunn has never claimed that Superman: Legacy would be one either), but it absolutely is a Young Batman story. Reeves has said he set in Year 2 so the origin would be out of the way but his Batman wouldn’t be “fully developed.” The Timothy Dalton

Not everyone is so delicate. Old Boy, in particular, is a phenomenal movie. 

So a prosecutor can get press and run for State Senate

Maybe because he’s a writer and thus holds them to a higher standard?

These days I wouldn’t count on your courts. Too many normal people missed how hyper focused the Republicans have been on those courts for the past few decades and it’s finally starting to pay off for them. Roe was the big one, but they’ve been getting other victories too like with affirmative action.

Why are you cursing out the lady who makes movies and not the couple who took advantage of Oher to the tune of millions?

That’s like saying “He doesn’t hate black people, just civil rights.”

Because in 1999, it was still unusual for a Movie Star to demean himself by doing television.