
I’m absolutely certain Rob Lowe’s ego played no part whatsoever in this dynamic.  

Scott was definitely the driving force behind Prometheus and Covenant, with the writers almost certainly working to his instruction.

My favorite alternate timeline theory is that Scott’s brother didn’t die, and he didn’t take time off, so he chose to do Dune instead of passing. That meant that Lynch would have been free to do Return of the Jedi. And without Scott available to do Blade Runner, Kubrick would have stepped in.


As a professional writer, I get this and related questions from aspiring writers all the time.

I think we’re mainly on the same page, but I just wanted to nitpick some stuff ;)


I wouldn’t even say “misguided.” He started this project a decade ago, long before LLMs and generative models hit the mainstream. It had been running for years. Then the LLMpocalypse happened and everyone lost their minds, and now we’re at the point where Sam Barsanti, who I will bet money does not understand these

Understandable in the sense of “I understand why it happens,” sure. Not in the sense of “agree with.”

“seems to have raised a lot more red flags than it lowered”

Yeah, but this is not that. We’re not talking about an actor struggling to enunciate because they’re overcome with emotion.

This is a literal nothing of an article.

He does pretty much all of his sound design and mixing himself!

“You’ve heard the phrase ‘get busy’? Well, this is a Dark Knight who gets bizz-ay. Thoroughly and consistently.”

Yeah, why would you want a communicative art to communicate effectively?

“So the Westerosi learned to function as a society, and eventually they were ruled by...oh, let’s say Bran.”

Shows how much I had checked out by the final season that I had no recollection of when, where, why, or how Varys died.

David Lynch does it so much better. Better drones, better ambience, dialogue you can hear.

I brought my friend to go see the Wing Commander movie and they ghosted me for 6 months as punishment. 

So basically he saw Brazil and the original great ending, and thought how can I make it so, so much crappier. 

I don’t understand why you do this. It can’t be driving much traffic.