
By all accounts he was a super nice guy. This is a hard one.

Learning how to be a ninja was just part of being a kid in the 80s and 90s. You got your books from “secret masters” from the back of comic books. You studied all the very “realistic” movies. You broke into elderly Asian peoples’ homes and attempted to steal some random piece of decoration in hopes that you are caught

There’s something harmless and fun about these dudes. Whenever a new version of them doesn’t hit it for me, I just wait for the next version. It’s not nostalgia, because I was a turtle head for their first tv encarnation, but nowadays they are far from being my favorites - the early 2000's version are. 

Countercounterpoint: He and his actors talked about it in interviews. Why? You’re right, nobody going to the movie would read the script. So why bring that up?

He wrote the script in first person. That is the fucking *epitome* of pretentious.

“by all accounts”

Maybe not pretentious, but definitely a bit of a wank.

And for them to lose so much money that their corporate stranglehold on cinema breaks, and the medium thus becomes more diverse, egalitarian, and interesting?


That’s exactly my point. This movie is utterly innocuous, top to bottom. There’s nothing wrong with it. There’s barely anything good with it! It’s merely another weird fucking thing moronic conservatives are lining up behind, and weird fucking liberals are trying to shapeshift into some conspiracy bullshit. There’s no

Uncle Tom’s Cabin produced several ugly tropes due to its subservient characters (namely: Uncle Tom), but it depicted slavery in brutally realistic terms and became the best-selling novel of the 19th century, likely driving white sympathies toward slaves and kickstarting the abolitionist movement in the 1850's. It

Considering how well the War on Drugs, War on Poverty, and War on Terror have gone, I don't think creating a War on Child Trafficking will have good results.

How does going to see a movie protect children?

Damn that is the stupidest comment I’ve read on AVClub, kudos.

As is typical with these slideshows, this is less “the 15 worst biopics of all time” and more “15 movies the author remembers and is pretty sure were biopics.”


IMO, Bohemian Rhapsody should be on this list too. Once everyone got past the “Wow, Rami Malek sort of looks like Freddie Mercury” reaction to the early shots, the movie was deadly dull and - also IMO - barely touched on Mercury’s personal life, which everyone expected. The fact that all members were not on board

Y’all forgot the most notorious example - My Neighbor Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies premiered on the same day (April 16, 1988) as a double-feature.

Somehow Angel Studios also released Freelancers,  a genuinely funny sitcom that’s like a 30 Rock/Kimmy Schmidt sort of thing for all ages. And I wonder how the folks who made that show feel about what Angel Studios is doing now.

Nice conspiracy theory, bro, but no. I do believe this woman, and would believe her even if I like Jonah Hill.