
You beat me to it. Disney and Pixar animation both have utterly stagnated, being so beholden to their established brand and look. It’s animation! It can be anything, so why do the same thing again and again, stylistically? Even old school Disney recognized the importance of mixing up the visuals, and when you compare

The Onion is always right.

i havent seen or read the interview where he claimed that but somehow i doubt he was bragging. i could be wrong tho!

what a weird reaction 

Semi-related story: My mother has always had a pathological fear of blimps. It actually turned her against the entire concept of therapy when, as a young woman, a psychologist tried to suggest that it had something to do with a generalized fear of penises likely stemming from childhood trauma. She rejected that

And the anti-Oppenheimer movie, Barbie, also features copious nudity of its female and male leads, but since they’re Barbie and Ken that didn’t require an R rating.

Well, okay, but here where Taylor says, “What I got, you gotta get and put it in you.” How about just, “What I’d like is I’d like to hug and kiss you.”

UI has been the biggest problem that noone discusses.

Somebody should make a show about two rival intimacy coordinators falling in love while making a steamy Disney+ series 

Again, innocent until proven guilty under the justice system, withholding judgment in the current case that’s headed for court, yadda yadda yadda. But unless you’re writing for The Root, you’ve got to admit this is looking really bad for Majors. I mean, I can’t be the only one who takes it as a bad sign that one of

Justice for Mister Mxyzptlk!

Hey, thanks for a spoiling a major plot point in a movie that’s still in theaters in an article that has nothing to do with that movie. That’s class, that is.

What? I can agree the term gets thrown around a bit too much, and I’d agree that Black Widow doesn’t really count, but this feels like a pretty straightforward case. Prominent female character gets killed as a plot device to motivate the protagonist. Unless Hill comes back fairly quickly (not at the very end of the

Art shouldn’t be discussed in the context of other art, got it.

“Art” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. As a devout, sincere MCU apologist, this show is a product, made to sell Disney+ subscriptions and tickets to The Marvels.

Mimes. If they have conservative opinions, they keep them to themselves.

There could be a baby Wolverine and a cartoon Wolverine.

The show in general did some truly weird things around relationships and consent. They had not one but multiple bosses dating employees, and only one boss experienced consequences for it (and he only experienced consequences because he was the show’s villain and not because the show thinks that dating an employee is

Right, like I think Sassy is the only one who even brings up that it’s “borderline unethical”? I’m a therapist and that plot line left such a bad taste in my mouth that it’s affected how i feel about the show overall. For a show that claims to care so much about mental health, and did so much in season 2 to address

“Get a fucking grip” doesn’t really land when you write a bad-faith answer with all-caps mixed in, FYI.