
Can someone please make a movie palatable to kids and adults that isn’t over two hours long? Is there any reason this needs to be 40 minutes longer than the original?

Nope. The *most* you can infer from that is that he talked to Reynolds’ agent.

This is an extremely stupid statement. 


Why not just report on what Netflix is doing? This was a weird way of delivering news. Literally zero details on the Netflix story. Were all users notified? Will they be following the same rules that were teased before? Did they make any changes to account for people who are in college or travel a lot?

I don’t know about this. The best you can say about Angel, I think, is that it got better every season and that its final season can sit alongside Buffy’s best seasons, but IMO it never topped them. But yes - the finale is infinitely better and absolutely one of the best series finales ever (especially considering

Review’s ending was incredible-- what a perfectly executed twist. I never saw it coming and it was perfectly fitting.

There are few perfect endings, and this is one of them.

I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it’s hard to list it as one of the best ever, particularly when the Angel finale is right there.

“Or whatever The Lion King was”

I just refer to it as “reanimated.” I figure that sums it up.

The Shield has perhaps the best first episode of any TV show, and almost certainly the best last episode. In between, there was a lot of good stuff and some pretty mediocre stuff and some pure filler, which... fair enough.

But the last episode, from that long pause before Vic starts to tell his story to the

Ok, I know there are people who, absurdly in my opinion, believe that The Shield is only the second or third best finale of all time, so I was ready to see it dissed with a mere top three finish. But to omit it entirely... I have no words. You people have lost touch with reality.

It’s absolutely a fraught subject to be dealing with on film. How do you show that Mathilda is attractive to Leon on some level without making her attractive to the audience? And I think there’s an argument that trying to thread that needle is not worth it, particularly when it’s not like Besson was making Taxi Driver.

I don’t think anyone is served if we demand that characters in movies perfectly represent our values.  Movies are more interesting when the character in them (the heroes included) are sometimes pretty weird.

Really wishing he was in an egg instead of a cocoon right now.

“Adam Warlock, Marvel’s best comic book character.”

Good. Unions are the workers’ corollary to corporate power.

Even Brian Singer is reading this thinking, “I don’t specifically remember this one but I bet that was me.”

I’m still amazed by Young Natalie’s hair. Did she bring a lot of hair dye on her soccer trip? Is she naturally bleach blonde but dyes her hair black as an adult? Or did starvation cause her roots to stop growing?

not to mention that Nat’s roots haven’t advanced once in the months and months since the plane crash.