
The thing that gets me is these are the same people who call US too easily offended and triggered.

Les Freres Heureux

While we’re on this tangent, I was disappointed in all the news outlets who pounced on Verizon throttling Netflix on phones, and called it evidence of the demise of Net Neutrality. NN only applies to broadband connections, not 4G. Throttling phone data was LEGAL PRIOR to Pai’s repeal, and in fact had happened before

I have been watching since a young girl with the original cast. There have been ebbs and flows but the legacy is it has given us so many inspired, interesting entertaining personalities like no other institution. Audiences are a bit different now than decades ago. I think in general audiences are going for the cheer

I saw The Last Jedi. I’m still unclear about what everyone is so bent out of shape over. There were some stars, there were some wars, my popcorn was hot and it melted the Reese’s Pieces I poured in there just the right amount, and it had a big explosion.  By the end of the film, I had successfully watched a Star War. 

Based on your track record, you’re right. You will absolutely NEVER cease to be amazed at this perceived slight. Right up to your dying day, you will continue to mewl and whinge like a helpless infant bird for the regurgitated masticate of things you like that already exist. And in your pea-brained baby-bird logic,

You know for someone who’s apparently a fan of SFDebris’ Opinionated Reviews you really have a hard time telling the difference between your own opinions and fact. You not liking TLJ is your opinion, just because you like or don't like something doesn't mean everyone else has to or they're wrong.

Hyperbole drive....ENGAGE!!!

Meet Joe Black is a remake of Death Takes a Holiday.

Nice bait. The Last Airbender is better in every respect.  

Funny how all the actors have been reduced to either leaving or getting in screaming matches on set AFTER Fuller left if he was the asshole.

Literally what is interesting about the lamest possible “lol u mad” trolling

possibly, or they just want an actress that looks like the character as she was described in the multiple books this show is adapted from.

Maybe Fuller’s lengthy history on bailing on shows is a little suspect. But I will never not enjoy laughing at dumbass moneymen who try to cut costs by stifling creatives voices only to wind up having to spend more money than if just hadn’t fu**ing touched it

I will say: speaking personally, it’s not the breaking out of the dick that pisses me off the most. The vast majority of women have had a dick pulled out or dick pics sent to them without consent. That doesn’t make it right, but it does make it somewhat unremarkable.

When you ignore trolls, you take away their power. I concede in the modern social media environment it can be hard to do, but all the giants of the industry have made it so much easier to ignore this particular troll, so can we do that now? Can we please start ignoring this troll?

I think you are splitting hairs.

“What is disappointing about to see people (D.Klein) getting fired for retweeting a tweet which jokes about suicide/glorifies it and also tweeting insults to anyone who disagrees with him?”

Except that, as mentioned in the bloody article, they were not the only ones talking about the panel, and were the only ones let go. Might’ve been a straw-that-breaks-the-camel’s-back situation, but it’s still an uncomfortable look, especially now.

That is not, in any way, what is happening.