
Imagine Batman & Robin, but campy. 

The article I quoted actually discusses that link and the responses of people who study the issue to its argument. Basically, their response is that those underreported crimes come from people who haven’t been caught (which seems intuitively true), and that once people get caught, they’re much less likely to reoffend

Thoughts and prayers to Jennifer Garner and her family after MS13 murdered her husband, Matt Damon. This is what Dems want though! SAD!

There should have been a rule put in place that only J.K. Simmons can play JJJ.

Fantastic! A deeply paranoid man who not only believes everyone is out to get him but campaigns frequently that “everyone is out to get him” in order to rile up his base just got hand delivered, through one of his favorite targets, confirmation that someone is out to get him.

Yes ... *rubs her hands together*

BULLTSHIT reporting. They’ve been doing this for years. Net neutrality was never an issue on mobile carriers, they have been shaping traffic for a long while. It was NEVER FCC policy to enforce net neutrality for mobile/wireless data. Only wired connections like dsl/cable.

I thought NIven’s idea of the tasp (a weapon that gives the victim continuous sustained sexual pleasure, immobilizing him) was a cool idea. If wars were fought with tasps, then perhaps we’d have more wars.

In the season 1 Brisby episode, Brisby asks to use the cloning facilities that Jonas built, and Rusty coyly replies that he isn’t sure if he still has it.

Bingo. Based on that talk ending with “you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time”, Kim seems to assume that Jimmy was just getting a bite to eat after work.

I think he wanted to tell her, but just couldn’t. His last chance at redemption.

Also, the Frenchman was bragging about other work he did.  Very much a no-no if you’re dealing with one Mr. Gustavo Fring. 

You left out part of Lincoln’s quote in his letter to Greeley:

Whoever wrote those newspaper stories must have had it out for Venture Industries.

Even so, Lincoln was not an abolitionist nor pretended to be.

Lincoln was not an abolitionist”

I know in the season two dvds they had a special feature where they showed the news paper articles about the gargantuan 1 crashing in the desert and the other tabloids they put in. Just one of the reasons to buy the Blu-rays.

“Today’s Think Thought: Old people drink less yet urinate more than the average teenager. Scientists say ‘weird, right?’”

Also, if you have this on DVR, freeze on the papers talking about H.E.L.P.E.R. Only this show would legit put jokes into the text of something that is on screen for literally one second.

The escalating “You’re ____ and telling me it’s ______.” was amazing leading up to the Henson line. I think I will work “You’re kicking me in the balls and telling me my undies are too tight” into my lexicon