I talk to my cars too but it's usually in the context of driving the last mile or two towards home with all the dash lights on and smoke coming out of somewhere going "come on baby".
I talk to my cars too but it's usually in the context of driving the last mile or two towards home with all the dash lights on and smoke coming out of somewhere going "come on baby".
@87CE 95PV Type Я: That would have rocked. I would pay 10 bucks admission to see one of those arrogant pricks clip a 1979 4WD Suburban.
Road salt was not kind to these cars. It's unkind to any car but some exceptionally so.
Cool. I want to see more of this. Expose the illusion of security for what it really is. You know what? You still aren't safe no matter how many people feel you up going through the gate.
@dustboy: Ve are nihilists, ve belief in nosingt.
I don't know about "best ever", these cracked me up.
@SerialThriller: That's not the way of my people....
Not the woodgrain shift knob. My faith in humanity is gone.
@SerialThriller: Well a Corvette is a boat and the definition of a boat is "a hole in the water you throw money into". The only difference between a pleasure boat and my car is that my car generally takes on more water than a boat. The T-tops, they do nothing.
So that would be a VW beatle?
@morcheeba: I bought my 1977 in 2009 and I still want to drive one. I think it's cost me about $2200 per mile so far.
@morcheeba: Not sure if you know but I do have a Corvette (in a manner of speaking). Not a nice Corvette, but it qualifies just the same. That's awesome.
@morcheeba: That's very nice, thank you.
@stuffelse: Calls for the Holy Hand Grenade, I do believe.
Corvoltte is a stupid fucking name.
@djdare: Time to rename him Bill "Freedom". Our gene pool needs some chlorine I fear.
@WJHMH: How that didn't end up being some kind of fatality is a miracle. God protects idiots and drunks.
@87CE 95PV Type Я says GEAUX SAINTS: If people actually fall for the BS, and there's little precedent to suggest they won't, it probably is the end of the world. Idiocracy becomes closer to a documentary every day.
That child looks a bit urban to be holding a NASCAR flag. Isn't the unofficial symbol of NASCAR the Confederate flag?