Putting your cash tip on the table and visibly docking it every time the server displeases you
Putting your cash tip on the table and visibly docking it every time the server displeases you
Every month, I pick up between $20-$30 that people just drop on the ground. Pennies, nickles, dimes. Sometimes they’ll leave it on top of vending machines. Helps me buy the avocado toast everybody was bitching about.
Big Cousin is always watching.
It’s simple, regardless of whatever crap Nintendo tries to piece together, there is no “Zelda Timeline”. It is not a thing. Each game is a re-imagining of previous games, just like Mario.
Oh look...racist Kinja is finished waving their white pride flags & want to play today.
Marcus Rashford’s classmates need to get a hold of themselves.
My family made it over here by their own blood, sweat and tears and we don’t owe America shit.
No one is more patriotic than the black folks who fight for this country, knowing damn well this country will not fight for them.
The NYT did this dumbass writeup about what Independence Day meant to people across America (lol ok). I’m not going to link to it because it’ll just piss everyone off for the rest of the day. I’m beyond people equating patriotism with the military and more than beyond people refusing to see the parallels between…
This isn’t something you need to do. Someone claimed their switch was overheating and everyone overreacted.
People are blowing this out of proportion (kotaku as well by feeding in to this). It doesn’t get that hot in handheld or docked mode to require this.
You have nothing to worry about.
Internet dumbasses overreacting to everything probably shouldn’t make you worry about anything you buy.
...and that he had also wanted to kill“blacks, Arabs, Jews and homosexuals.”
I usually get air goggles after too long at the oxygen bar, and end up going home with a real airhead
I lava what you did there. Very magmanimous of you.
Gee, I wonder what radicalizes Muslims?
What a sad waste of precious bacon.
And then divide by what?