
How does that play out with finance - these were already released shows and thus had a revenue tied with them (unlike the cancelled movies/shows before they were released)?  I don’t see where the tax write-off is on this.  I could see if they were pulling them to package up and license off to another streamer - that

Sit and watch a group of game or software testers or even speedrunners sometime - this is exactly the kind of thing they would go for. Seems like it just wasn’t widely heard by the masses.

Maybe a 7 figure spend is labelled a Super Yacht now. I see a recent write-up by Erin on here referring to a 9 figure one as a Rich Guy Yacht. So, R.G.Y. needs its Super Yacht tender back...

Okay, I had to check - didn’t find a Patreon, no merch for sale on his website, has a Twitch (~16k subs there) and another YT channel (~1k subs). Yep, must be independently wealthy/real dayjob is the cashcow or something else.

Have to add to this one - might be, but it’s not my experience. Most of the people I ever knew drinking any of the mass light beers all day were also drinking the same thing with a meal. That was just their preferred drink. Most would not turn down another brand if someone else brought the beer but their own

This is just a hungry ‘stang substituting animal pedestrian for people pedestrian.

Yes, this must happen.  Cryptosimps needs to be the new all your base. Someone should also unpark, it could very well be a new icanhaz.... site.

heh, guess they are feeding the FSD beta data from the Mustang lunch menu.

If you watched it at home, yep - unwatchable. This is an experience piece - needs to be seen at the local theater, preferably around halloween and with all the props for everyone. This is how it is meant to be experienced, not so much watched/rewatched.

Include capacitive buttons - practically same as touchscreen, just not on the screen.  Do they look good? Sure, but if brush my finger across one or drag a usb cable across one, it just activated.  That’s annoying AF.  If it’s good enough to warrant a button, make it a push button.

Twisted Christmas is the acceptable answer for each.

That’s what Orange Julius classically was. Then they got bought out. The Julius formula got changed and is ummm... a powdered-up sugar mix mess of what it originally was. Who was it that bought them out.... DQ? I swear it was DQ and makes sense it became a sugared up thing. I remember in the mall food court they used

For LC’s - The thin crust pizzas aren’t ...ummm... awful(?) and they’re cheap-enough that throwing leftover away after it’s cooled down doesn’t feel too bad. They are pure cardboard once cooled (and reheat terribly).

Speaking of Taco Bell with Pizza Hut, one of the local ones was a Taco Bell/Pizza Hut combo store. And Pizza Hut really hit the skids when they got bought out by Yum (lots of these fast food franchises lost any resemblance to their former pre-Yum selves after their buyouts). Then the combo stores came around (Long

This is exactly what I thought watching it - as much as they say they’re doing their own thing (except the Spike/Vicious story which will likely be same as the anime) and then have an intro full of the anime made me think it’s easter eggs for the fans and shows a history of story with the Bebop crew.  Really hoping

Note: If you have windows that you have to be on a ladder to do this, you probably want a pro to install it, especially if the window(s) are larger in size. That’s pretty difficult/dangerous for newbs and easy for the pro, worth the money for no broken bones and a clean install of tint on a not-easy-to-access height.

I would opt to buy a roll from a tinting service vs that stuff. It’s quite a bit better quality material and will typically last longer and won’t scratch as easy from cleaning.  Because it’s usually a bit thicker/heavier material it’s quite easier to install (at least in my limited experience and I’ve used both).

I second this.  As much as everyone wants to claim 4x4 truck or AWD car are better, I’m going to stake the claim that the vast majority of drivers shouldn’t be in the snow at all as they have no idea how to drive in it.  Go into pretty much any city during or after a snow before things are plowed/sanded/de-iced and

So, what you’re really saying is we need a

ugh, where’s The Blues Brothers (1980)?  They even set the most cars wrecked in a movie record.