
Different circumstances and different era =/= better drivers....

they are gonna blend in their surroundings, and most likely if any use for these planes will be in it is mainland...

thats a big guess as if russian military designers use servers at all or there is internet where they design these things...

Cant argue with Ros comments, He is as dirty as Ver, and wouldnt be sad if Ver took him out, actually i would be very happy :)

there seems like a tesla easter egg at the nose of the car...

agreed, add to that, he let off the throttle as been seen by commentators i believe, and he didnt have a “lasting advantage” due to safety car soon after...

ok thats it, 10sec penalty in your direction as well in return!

why? bcoz i copy pasted vettel’s radio messages? :)

Of course! ham should have at least got 30 secs penalty, and another 25 secs for Ros, Vers got 5 already but 10 would be better, and Vettel should have been dsq! so yeah, he was running for the lead... he was robbed!

No seriously, lets think out loud:

I mean honestly I think I’m going to hit someone.

I think, if it was up to Ric, podium and 1st position is stolen from him unfairly... like honestly :)

Here is a message to you: F offf! Honestly F off!!!

wow if anything, he would be hit with a 5 sec penalty, given that you gotta prove he gained advantage, everyone braked late, and if he tried to turn the car, he would have caused massive crash at the back, if you have seen Ver’s dive bomb with the lockup.... (which already caused a collision) Only thing ham gained is

- The guy is genius but also a bit arrogant given his age it is expected.

youre welcome ;( happier?

are you implying that you did something like this as well? yes? we need proof :) j/k

They should have called it LamboLaren MP4-1/2 would have been better knock off

When people saw the $$$$ before their eyes, now all are environmentalists... Super environmentalists in fact with a car for each individual members of the family, to go to toilet, to go to piss poop everywhere... It is laughable! All manufacturers have been cheating for years!!! Be it mpg values, be it baby driven

There is sign both side of the road for the crossing... blue should have slowed down, but unfortunately so many idiots do shitty decisions... i m from UK and we have narrow passages where one side is given priority (right of way) over the other side and clearly signed... however i come across idiots who tries their