
“ a big instigator in getting this designated a “quiet zone” where the trains don’t blow their horns for the crossing.”

“That said, I’m still not seeing any time in recent history where the US gov’t stooped so low as to jail people for being rude to an inanimate object.” they “cops” kill people for just obeying what they ask them to do, or whatever probable barbaric cause they can to kill their own citizens...

I suppose you go back and read what you say, you call a whole country stupid for loving their flag and suggested they dont belong this world... I guess it explains why you go grey everywhere... when you learn to respect, you will earn it as well...

“What does your 9/11 conspiracy theory nonsense have anything to do with flag worship?”

You, dung beetle, live in most barbaric country in the world by your own definitions and understanding of the words you lousily use!

You stupid dung beetle! It wasnt fucking gov who arrested the arseholes who had zero respect, it was the officers in the area controlling the organization! You are shithole yourself and cant fucking keep anything unbiassed, and if it is not parallel to your fucking brain, it is shit like the stuff in your brain! Your

You are no better than your words: You are saying this and that, and add a “but” clause in there in the end... Define “barbarism”? Then get back to the argument: What is so barbaric about asking people’s respect to one’s cultural values? Just because you define “piss poor way” values isnt the same doesnt make ones’

“I love when people defend barbarism as some form of cultural enrichment”

“I suppose when you’re going to a country with backwards barbaric symbolism laws”... i guess you never been out of your couch for more than 5 mins, never watched anything out of superhero movies from western culture... just because you it is normal in your country doesnt give you right to disrespect others’ values!

CPZ is a controlled parking zone. you have to buy permit during Controlled hours which is usually from morning to evening - aka during work hours... There are around 100 housing business/residents total. In UK, councils are converting all free to park streets to a permit holders only streets, and many idiots arent

Councils are getting desperate to raise their resources, so they go to gray areas...

Me 3

“Tesla doesn’t seem to think ahead”

I didnt know you were a software engineer as well, Matt?

NASA isnt out there to make name for itself but its people are! NASA pays them salaries! Many research areas are supported by military for obvious reasons as well, lets not go deeper in it.

“I will call them out for dangerous systems” you mean the convenience features they make available only for drivers to abuse them?

Sorry old grumpy man, not particularry you... it was to the other reply...

so almost you say, we shouldnt have tried to send Colombia Shuttle to space, knowing it wasnt tested enough?

And dont let the chinese translate it!