
The only reason autopilot on a plane works better is that one pilot is always at the seat, both cant leave it unattended, and there is less planes on sight that does stupid things.... However, autopilots are not immune either, some years ago, a Turkish airline dropped on a field in Europe due to malfunctioning

It is not like people arent known to abuse technology and test the limits to find out about them the hard way... It is easier and quicker to do than to RTFM

Could be a lost in translation thing as well? Knowing chinese use hand grenades for extinguishing fires?

“Just on a basic level, it should detect bicycles, trucks, tractor trailers, etc, and it should have sensors” you mean like people who collide with bicycles, trucks and tractors without help from autopilots?

“If the feature doesn’t work with street sweepers” not in defense of tesla or anyone else, but did you see any barriers/signs/cones that shows street sweeping? or any giant lights arrow pointing to go right/left? in modern cities, these trucks work inside a protected lane made of cones for safety of the

People associate hackers to black hats.... Hacker is a generic term in reality, who reverse engineer things (hardware/software) either not documented well or not documented at all, find problems/weaknesses etc depending on your goals. When you find what you are looking for, it is your intentions define you,

CNC as used in the industry, a sculpting by removing material from raw source... The meaning is very generic, so every printer is also a CNC... Computer numerical control... as name suggest is the controller unit... Printer is a bit more specific, it spits out raw material on to a desired surface to sculpt 2D or 3D

Microsoft does far better hardware... when they are at it!

It was carrying extra potatoes in the boot :)

Typical sore looser attitude towards Ham, hating him only will make him stronger :) Still sore for 2008 mate? the more you hate him, the better he will win this year’s champ! keep hating mindlessly

your friend is not wrong. i posted a link before to another forum post from someone who work in F1 and has inside knowledge about garage/engineer relation with drivers. and he states ham gets his side of the garage like him by right way of talking, and ros not so much as he is more with numbers and dont care about

Mercedes actually objected to this rule/penalty change last year, and here we are... They said it would be abused. No one listened and said they are saying bcoz they are too reliable and dominant to give any advantage away...

they must immobilize every fake key points!

“But when you buy a house you’re part of a community, unless you settle in a rural area. You pay mortgage instead of rent because you’re invested in what happens in an area long-term.”

Super rare cars are super common with super dumb drivers :)

when people dont know what they are talking about it is immediate penalty as well :)

valid reason probably, but not an excuse to set up an adjustable protection system... it could be lowered or raised hydraulically and supported by some adjustable arms towards to middle like a wing system... of course it would add to cost but if you cant ask the government to fix the damn intersections/crossings, you

Brown hit the mid of the truck not back end... pls check the pics

Doors will probably be similar to this i think