
Hey easy with the logical thinking, we are not used to that.

Wow that is depressing. He loved his car so much, but it became the thing that ruined him.

Maybe she did give some other money to charities. I know money stuff sucks, it is difficult to see a scammer get away with this.

*waits for car to change color*

Now playing

Man that looks a lot like the Mustang that got away from the cops with assistance from a crowd there:

But it would need to go to south america to be home...

Oh the fish is digging a hole for himself! I love it when they do that.

I think what they meant was the water needed to aerate for a few days to remove chlorines and chloramines, mostly.

Sounds like the setup was handled by a pro, they brought fish-water with them. Fish might have been a bit stressed, but probably no more than a 'normal' store-purchased fish. I had a sad for the fish too until I read they brought water in.

Dammit, look at all those pageviews. By the time I get to buy something cool they will hike the cost of the warranty.

Mechanics Checklist:

If it breaks itself?

That kid just watched Better Call Saul last night, didn't he?

The way they have depreciated, you'd think they would give away a ZR1.

Oh I got it backwards, I thought you meant R E S P E C T.

So I'd like to flip this around a bit. Is it possible to tip too much? I never thought so. Never worked in food service but over the years I have had many friends who did. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I took out her two brothers and sister in-law to a nice Japanese/Thai place. Party of Five.

If you had volunteered to watch racers drink beer and check something on a clipboard or whatever, perhaps they would have been nicer?

While it might seem outlandish to give him $300K, I am certain that this man knows the value of a dollar. He will make the most of it (not that a few Miatas is ever crazy or anything).