
What about the bright neon colors that hip hop stars wore? Cross colors and those airbrushed, anime-esque drawings on the baggy t-shirts? Or was this just a 1990's, Atlanta hip-hop style? I distinctly remember this style being all the rage here in GA.

It looks like Willie Wonka exploded all over these homes. The bright, pastel colors are pretty atrocious.


This awards show is still relevant? I had no idea was still on air.


Same here. It’s amazing how people have glazed over the fact that according to these emails, the DNC was doing exactly what they’ve been blaming the RNC of doing for years. Not to mention the racist comments from some of the DNC staff. Oh but, racism is okay as long as a Democrat says it.

Exactly! Hypocritical much?

Where did this trend begin? It’s annoying. That’s the only type of art I see if I visit a discount home stores such as Home Goods, TJMaxx, Marshall’s, Ross, etc.

I love this show! I wish there were more episodes available. I love how she reuses the original materials and tries to restore the homes to their original splendor.

Thank you for pointing this out. People should be informed and not simply vote for the anyone because they have a “D” or “R” beside their name.

You’re absolutely correct. Thank God someone actually see the light.

Devil’s advocate here.....why is Justin being dragged for being paid by the RNC, when the DNC paid several celebrities to perform and attend their events? Is that not hypocritical?

Judging by the comments from Hillary supporters on Jezebel and elsewhere, they’ll never be happy with ANYTHING Bernie does. To tell the Bernie delegates (which made up 45% of the crowd last night by the way) to shut up and be quiet is very undemocratic.

Is it necessary to refer to them as idiots? Hillary’s supporters were MUCH worse in 2008. Your comments aren’t helping the cause AT ALL.

Bernie did not sit and grimace. People like you are why this party will remain disjointed. Hillary supporters aren’t winning over the progressive crowd with your snide, rude, and condescending comments.

I was with her up until the Hillary Clinton portion of her speech. Hillary Clinton’s candidacy will not be as impactful for black women as Michelle would like to think.

I agree with you. I guess it’s better to have your head buried in the sand and ignore how disgusting those DNC emails were. That ass hat Jordan Kaplan was the most narcissistic jerk I’ve read about.

Whatever Sarah...people can express displeasure if they like. It’s a free country.

You’re right. I’m seeing a lot of Hillary particular on Jezebel, being absolutely hypocritical and down right sexist and rude themselves.

Oh, so we just happened to magically spring up AFTER WWII?