Keep it classy Khloe....keep it classy.
Keep it classy Khloe....keep it classy.
Seems he and Donald Trump would have been the best of friends. What a piece of shit this guy was.
Thank you! Why did I click on the link to see the pictures? Curiosity killed the cat.
He sure is dreamy!
That’s not what I’ve heard.
T.I. really needs to shut the hell up and stick to what he knows...which is apparently nothing.
At one point in my life I actually respected Dr. Ben Carson, but I honestly cannot respect such a hate-filled bigot such as Carson. He’s such an embarrassment.
I’m not even gonna lie.....I would probably have freaked out too. to a Republican becoming my worst fear!
I agree! I’m tired of seeing the same idea of what WOC are supposed to be (Rhianna, Beyonce, et al.)
The bitter brigade was out and about on social media attempting to ruin Viola’s wonderful moment. I mean, you must be one bitter bitch to complain about such a magnificent feat.
My God...and he’s intelligent to boot?! Why can’t he have a twin?!
My thoughts exactly Kate. As if the white supremacist need another excuse to out and attack every person of color that they see.
You know it! Somehow they’ll manage to slur shame every woman in America, then manage to blame Obama somehow.
Republicans heads are going to explode after hearing the news. They’ll swear this is a sign of the end of times and yet they’ll probably be the main consumers. Fucking idiots. Lol
You’d think she’d find at least five black BFFs since all she ever does is claim every celebrity alive as a friend. I’m sorry but her nice girl image seems very insincere.
Give this man an award!! Honesty, if I have to report on those dimwits everyday I’d lose my cool as well.
Why do I have an insatiable desire to knock his teeth out everytime I see his retched face? Oh. that’s right, because he’s a racist, murderous ass-hole.