Mystical Cat

Well, it’s not camberhellaflushstance.
For example, unlike stance, Donk has at least one practical application:

how do you stay sane for 8 days with nothing to do but lay under a motorcycle

The recording method is great, and I use that one too. It especially helped when I was George in Our Town because he can get a bit monloguey in act 2; it’s hard to only show my cue when I’ve got a giant paragraph after that. Still, I have found using both methods works even better than either one alone; I suspect the

What kind of psychopath bites directly into the middle of the thing and not a corner???

Wish we could swap neighbors, mine takes glee in revving, and revving, and revving his Harley just before 5 AM. Mind you, my two boys I’d rather sleep until six so me and the Mrs. can get their lunches packed and have an hour or so before the house has moments of disarray getting in cars and heading to school. He’s

A friend of mine who works in a doctor’s office (hence the need to know people’s names) often tells the story of years ago meeting a family who named their son Theodore Behr. Figure out the nickname for yourself. Poor kid.

What’s even worse is the Marin douche canoes driving 20 mph under the speed limit solo in their electric cars in the carpool lane. They won’t move over for ANYTHING and they always do the smug smile and wave when you blast past past them. I am pretty sure they think they are doing the world a favor by slowing everyone

Melty? Ugh.

Twenty seven years I’ve owned and carried multitools. Proper multitools mind you, not Swiss army style knives, though I’ve had my share of those as well. Gerbers, SOGs, Victorinox, CRKTs, cheap knock-off sub $20 shit, and of course Leathermans. And of all of those, the only brand that has consistently held up to every

I didn’t know if I ever could stomach the price of a BGE. I did, however, get one for Christmas last year. And since then I’ve made some of the best tasting meals I couldn’t even have believed possible. The thing that is most astounding to me is how little fuel it uses. Because it’s sealed so well, you can effectively

I didn’t know if I ever could stomach the price of a BGE. I did, however, get one for Christmas last year. And since

We bought our Sienna a little over 5 years ago and same deal. No haggle pricing. It was a fair price and one we could live with, but really not a whole lot of room. They were willing to work on things like trade value, warranties, financing rates and items like that - but the vehicle price was the vehicle price.

Change is coming.

You can get USB-A to USB-C cables that work with normal USB ports, but as I understand it, USB-C to USB-C cables can carry more power.

You can get USB-A to USB-C cables that work with normal USB ports, but as I understand it, USB-C to USB-C cables can

That’s a lot of relevant information.

Completely unrelated to this particular vehicle but relevant to the brand: I honestly believe Jeep missed a gigantic opportunity to brand their navigation as the Jeep Exploration System, or JeepES.


JUST GONNA SIT OVER HERE CRYING GUYS. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve owned both cats and dogs and losing them opens up a hole in your heart that can shock you, especially if you aren’t prepared for the pain. You did a great thing by providing him with a home while he was here. You’re good people.

I would do pads and brake lines first but, who am I kidding? If this thing is mine, I’m going full retard on it.

Scrolled through just to find this one. There are a lot of pretenders to the throne, but Bunn will always be king. Sure, it can’t grind or do some of the extra stuff others can do, but this is one coffee maker that’ll probably outlive you.

Scrolled through just to find this one. There are a lot of pretenders to the throne, but Bunn will always be king.