Mystical Cat

Seedless? ‘bout time!

All the appeal of a dumpster fire.

We have two mutts; one’s a licker while the other isn’t. Neither eat poop, which is awesome.

I remember years ago (25 or so) there was a yuuge infestation in New Hampshire. The leaf consumption at that scale sounded like light rain, and you couldn’t walk anywhere without stepping on them.

I don’t get the mindset. There’s no deficit when someone merges into the lane front of you. I’d rather know what they’re doing. The jerks who juke left and right from lane to lane without signaling are the worst.

For sure. The things that burn me the most when driving (especially here in the Bay Area) are no turn signals, people who insist on poking along in the left lane, and motorcyclists who split lanes way too fast. I ride and these assholes are determined to ruin the privilege for everyone.

You first.

You first.

I find that behavior baffling, too. Even before it became illegal, I never used my phone while driving. It’s just too idiotic of a thing to do. My current car has built-in bluetooth, but even then I’ll only answer when I feel it’s safe to do so. Busy freeway during the commute? All of my nope.

According to one reviewer on Amazon, yes.

According to one reviewer on Amazon, yes.

You need to change lanes, so put your turn signal on, and the car in the adjacent lane speeds up to block your lane change.

A spike in usage of The Cloak in 3 . . . 2 . . .

Yeah, blinker fluid tends to run out about the same time as when muffler bearings go out.

Laziness Level: Staggering

You misconstrue my comment. Makes no difference to me if people love the game and play it all day long. What I don’t care for is having it tied to every. friggin’. thing.

You misconstrue my comment. Makes no difference to me if people love the game and play it all day long. What I don’t

Does everything have to be associated with Pokemon Go? Good grief. I’m looking forward to when this fad drops dead. #getoffmylawn

Does everything have to be associated with Pokemon Go? Good grief. I’m looking forward to when this fad drops dead.

I’m with you on the turn signal issue, and I absolutely cannot fathom why so many people refuse to use it. Are they lazy or just assholes? Both? I honestly don’t get it.

I installed iOS 10 beta on my 6+, and so far it’s mostly good. There are a few apps that aren’t working properly (“Couple” being the most important one for me) but the OS itself along with native features appear to be working properly.

Wait, is this the same as Gboard?

This is easily one of the most comprehensive beatings with an ugly stick that I’ve ever seen.

Came here for this, leaving satisfied.