Nice boot, but it won’t prevent a femur break.
Nice boot, but it won’t prevent a femur break.
Which Car Is The Most Physically Demanding? Every car my ex wife owned.
That hasn’t been my experience. When I get a half-gallon carton lactose free whole and the Use By date is a month away, I can drink off the carton for the next month.
I found the cure for those of us who only drink/use milk occasionally - lactose free. It tastes exactly like regular milk, but the shelf life is ridiculously long compared to regular milk.
I could never bring myself to own a car from a company that thought the slogan, “Born from jets” was a good idea. Equally shitty is Cadillac’s “Dare Greatly.” Madison Avenue is loaded with idiots.
That’s a whole lot closer to 8 than 7.
And the crowd goes “meh.”
Danger Mouse?!?!?! Crikey! That’s great news!
If car companies worked like Harley-Davidson, I’d walk.
Anyone who’s played enough Spiro The Dragon should have no trouble with this at all.
I watched Sterling’s video and he’s absolutely right - the game is a steaming pile of yak vomit. More like Digital Suicide.
I have a favorite toaster oven?
I have a favorite toaster oven?
Odd name choice when ‘wherefore’ essentially means ‘why’.
It’s not ‘healthy’ food, it’s ‘healthful’ food. Saying ‘healthy food’ implies the food is taking care of itself by maintaining a healthful diet and working out.
Wow, people sure do get ragey over some mighty silly shit.
That would be a lot less time consuming than the time you’ll spend chasing down issues.
When a writer arbitrarily attaches ‘gate’ to a word in an effort to sound trendy when referring to a scandal, that writer only looks like an idiot. Stop looking like an idiot.
Fees? Meh. I’d rather see a bill that makes flying suck less. I don’t check bags, though not because of fees, but because I hate the onboarding process, the potential for lost luggage, and then the cattle-grazing around the carousel at the end.