I'm beginning to wonder if you know the difference between evidence and unsubstantiated claims. The more I get to know you, the more you are confirming to me that you're a troll and that you actually are stupid.
I'm beginning to wonder if you know the difference between evidence and unsubstantiated claims. The more I get to know you, the more you are confirming to me that you're a troll and that you actually are stupid.
Have you heard of the word propaganda? Obviously not. But you are a complete bi-product of propaganda. We need to have a name for guys like you…maybe Bi-Props. hahahaha
Incorrect naive approach to living in a corrupt, media controlled society where the gullible are needed to believe certain things so as not to create a revolution or a revolt. Haven't you heard of the word propaganda? It is real, and it exists. It's the same concept that the Nazis used to convince their people that…
Oh and here's this. You're going to love debunking this one:
Here's some more for you to disregard:
Hahaha! And you forgot the story about WTC Building 7! So as we part, and you are free to live your little life in the brainwashed world where being an ignorant dumb-ass republican is the norm, I dedicate this page for you to spend your time downplaying for the rest of time! lol
Incorrect subordinate.
Awww…aren't you just so special?! Hey it's ok to be jealous of my Courtney Love designed fedora, the one with the Bedazzler sparkles. I know you're only operating on partial brain capacity, so I won't bring up this subject again, since the world knows you can't comprehend what's outside your limited life experience.…
Some humans ain't human. How can I belong to the same species as an idiot like you.
The evidence points to murder.
Plus people are often found with way, way less heroin dead with a needle stuck in their arms. Kurt was just a small dude.
They have proven that due to cadaveric spasm, that he didn't pull the trigger. It is impossible for him to have pulled the trigger and with the position of the gun to have the casing from the shot land on the opposite side of the ejection chamber on the gun. Plus there has never been a case in history where a heroin…
The tolerance argument is bogus. He never did any heroin while on tour of Europe in 1994. His tolerance was not what anyone except for Courtney Love said it was. She is the only one who said he was a heavy user and she only said it AFTER he died.
Exactly right! This film was done perfectly. Courtney is extremely distressed by it and she should be. Someone has finally put together a bright spotlight on her garbage.
Courtney benefited from her fake sob story of being a widow and has played it up for 20 years! She made millions off of Kurt being dead, which she used to make herself a star in LA, because that's all it takes to be an actor is money. Then she quickly burned out her welcome in Hollywood for being psychotic. Now she's…
Dylan Carlson himself said Kurt WASN'T suicidal or depressed. God are you ever "liberal" with the truth…duh! You're spouting off absolute garbage that you don't even know about! Fuck, you're such a joke! lol
The laughable thing is that I am not even a conspiracy theorist. I only deal with truth. I tell the truth. I look for the truth. I don't lie. You are the pathological one here. You're such a liar it's ridiculous. Anyone with a real brain, which you incidentally don't possess, knows instinctively, what is real from…
Oh and since you are also a Scientologist, do you think Dianetics would cure you of your blatant personality disorder and inability to accept the truth? What about an E-Pro?
Also, can you give my regards to Beck? He is a genius.
Oh weird, I was certain that your username Two-Fisted Tales meant that you take two fists up the arschenhaller. Thank you for confirming! Where can I read more about your geschichten?