
Yeah right. You are so dumb it's laughable. You are literally repeating every word that came out of Courtney Love's mouth.

Once the case is re-opened, which it will be as a result of this film, which is a masterpiece in the way it was presented, all the complainers/brainwashees will finally open their eyes.

I thought it was garbage too until I watched it.

I know who he is.

There's no reasoning with the unreasoning. I can't talk to someone who sees only one side of things. Then you mock as though you're superior. You are closed minded and arrogant for no reason. You practice contempt prior to investigation which is a practice of folly. Go back to your herd.

I can't believe you. Human ignorance and bliss in one sad sack.

All I am saying is that there is the possibility of foul play. Seattle police didn't even investigate that. They didn't even interview Cali who Courtney said was the greatest liar she'd ever met.

The opposite of you.

Those people were on Courtney's payroll. They are going to be a lot quieter. Courtney was paying off Dylan Carlson and Cali Dewitt for years. Those are the only guys in on it. I don't believe Courtney did it herself, but she was certainly pissed off enough to have something do down and not say anything about it. Hell

You haven't even seen the film. How would you know?

Okayyy lol

Pretty good job singing like him! :-)