Roku or similar. Smart TVs might seem convenient, but rarely get updates and have very clunky UIs (or so I’ve heard). Something like Roku or Chromecast is far more flexible, to the point that you should still consider them even if you get a steal-of-a-deal on a “Smart” TV.
I know it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison, but all three of those specs are better than Apple’s upcoming AirPods.
I know it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison, but all three of those specs are better than Apple’s upcoming…
Those look like they need to be inserted into the brain to use. I like buds that just sit on the outer surface near the opening of the ear. Any bluetooth buds like that (like the older style ipod buds) for around $15-$20?
Those look like they need to be inserted into the brain to use. I like buds that just sit on the outer surface near…
The Martian is good fun. Great end of summer quick read. Highly recommend anything by Michael Connelly, but it's kind of best to read the Harry Bosch books in order from the start. One of the best series in the genre ever.
The Martian is good fun. Great end of summer quick read. Highly recommend anything by Michael Connelly, but it's…
What is going to happen to you guys when Gawker closes? You guys should branch out on your own or let us know where we can find you!
What is going to happen to you guys when Gawker closes? You guys should branch out on your own or let us know where…
do yourself a favor and DO NOT buy the aukey bluetooth headphones. i bought these and had to return them. the horrible sound isn’t even the thing that caused me to return. these things are so heavy, big and bulky. it’s like wearing a set of speakers on your head. the slightest nod of your head and these will fall onto…
do yourself a favor and DO NOT buy the aukey bluetooth headphones. i bought these and had to return them. the…
If you're like me and bought an Amazon gadget in the past week, here's a pro-tip: they'll refund the difference between your purchase price and the sale price.
If you're like me and bought an Amazon gadget in the past week, here's a pro-tip: they'll refund the difference…
Make water bottles GREAT AGAIN!
Make water bottles GREAT AGAIN!
GlowBowl: talk about a shitty deal.
GlowBowl: talk about a shitty deal.