
“The vibe was very much like, “Do I want to fuck it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo. I’m going to go back to my cell phone.” It was like we were forced to be together, and he literally was scrolling Instagram rather than have to look at a woman in a bow tie. I was like, “This should be called the

Suddenly, I'm a fan of the Mountaineers!

People worry about strangers, but really the most dangerous situation for a woman is a man who thinks “If I can’t have her, no one will.”.

The British Museum, a.k.a. Stuff We Took For “Safekeeping”

Chris, dude, you’re chance at the national stage is gone. Time to get back to thinking about what's best for New Jersey as opposed to what will play best with the GOP primary voters.

The kids went to a Scientology based school, for at least part of what you might call their “education”.

“Willow says adults don’t seem to get her and Jaden’s “thought process.””

Fontijn had the height and the reach advantage but damn could Shields hit harder and she was a lot quicker. Some of Fontijn’s best swings didn't connect because Claressa could MOVE.

I said the exact same thing. She's channeling him.

Is his next step checking into rehab?

The money could have been for the vandalized sign.

Including him saying “Screw you guys, I’m going home”.

It might be attachment parenting where a parent is supposed to immediately respond.

Do people make a lot of jokes about carrying coals?

I didn’t understand why Layla was hiding Krall/Einstein’s ship from him. Presumably he knew where he left it. Maybe she was hiding the repairs she was making? Why didn't he make sure it was beyond repair before leaving the ship where escapees could find it?

The prof may realize that the athletic department has more influence over the football player than the police do.

Don't forget that a fair number of libertarians argue against things like requiring drivers licenses. They also tend to feel the market should take care of companies endangering people. You know, let people make something like peanut butter anyway they like. If they kill or sicken a few people, no one will buy that

I read an interview with Hillary some years back. She said she went with pantsuits when she realized that she’d often be on stage and there would usually be a photographer who’d gladly take an up skirt shot if given a chance.

My father, a WW2 veteran, came into the room as Allen was speaking. Dad, without seeing him identified announced that Allen had to be infantry because he has the kind of voice that would make 18 yr old recruits follow orders instinctively.

General Allen was outstanding. You don't have to be a hawk to appreciate we need the capability to defend ourselves and meet our obligations to our allies.