
Is his next step checking into rehab?

The money could have been for the vandalized sign.

Including him saying “Screw you guys, I’m going home”.

It might be attachment parenting where a parent is supposed to immediately respond.

Do people make a lot of jokes about carrying coals?

The prof may realize that the athletic department has more influence over the football player than the police do.

Don't forget that a fair number of libertarians argue against things like requiring drivers licenses. They also tend to feel the market should take care of companies endangering people. You know, let people make something like peanut butter anyway they like. If they kill or sicken a few people, no one will buy that

I read an interview with Hillary some years back. She said she went with pantsuits when she realized that she’d often be on stage and there would usually be a photographer who’d gladly take an up skirt shot if given a chance.

My father, a WW2 veteran, came into the room as Allen was speaking. Dad, without seeing him identified announced that Allen had to be infantry because he has the kind of voice that would make 18 yr old recruits follow orders instinctively.

General Allen was outstanding. You don't have to be a hawk to appreciate we need the capability to defend ourselves and meet our obligations to our allies.

He was amazing. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for them to stand up and speak in a venue like that.

I can’t adequately express how happy I am. We’re going to have a woman president. One of the last and toughest barriers is tumbling down. Hallelujah.

Warren is in a strong position where she is in the Senate and could maintain that strength for as many years as she chooses. It'd be crazy for her to take a cabinet position.

How long has he lived in Virginia? How long has he held elected office there? The man should be rooting for Virginia Tech (great engineering school, btw). If he prefers poncey bastards who act like Thomas Jefferson signed their friggin basketball court, he could root for UVa. Never an out of state team, except if he

“We stand as a nation divided...our work is almost done here, my friends!”

Also, drinking and dancing are A-OK with the RC Church. Those activities alone result in about a third of the world’s Catholics.

“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”

You might have blood sugar issues, as well.

Tight! Too tight! Socks are tight!

The British men’s swim suit seems particularly tiny. I’m not complaining mind you, but I suspect there’s a potential for an equipment failure there.