But the fact that he never even thought about why someone would need an abortion while taking a stand against it and harming people’s rights is a horrible thing to do.
But the fact that he never even thought about why someone would need an abortion while taking a stand against it and harming people’s rights is a horrible thing to do.
The guy sounds heartless. And I am not sure your point? Am I supposed to see his point as totally valid? Pretty sure men (and women) shouldn’t have a voice in what I can do with my body. Don’t like abortions then don’t get one. I don’t want to ever get one but I want it available if I need it. These people don’t…
I live in Southern California, fourth generation and descended from a Mexican immigrant who came here pre-WWI. We helped make Los Angeles into the vibrant epicenter of culture and diversity that it is today. And I guarantee you it’s a far better place with far better opportunities than whatever shithole your racist,…
Blow it out of your ass.
I was in favor of Afghanistan and against Iraq.
Yep. For those of us who live in or near DC, it has been pretty clear that he regards the city government as his own personal fiefdom, and believe that a white man from Utah is much better suited to govern the city that a mayor and city council who represent diversity in the city.
Viagra and prostate cancer.
House Intelligence Commitee chair Devin Nunes, who served on the Trump transition team and is now somehow leading an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia,
I’m gonna have to get off the crazy train here because this is too much even for me.
2 Fast 2 Nuclear
They probably will put her on the front cover of their annual diversity report.
What could you possibly mean by that? Berlin is one of the world’s most international, multi-lingual, progressive cities. You elected this moron. You. Not us.
Oh god, you are right. I was being too optimistic.
Good, I hope the Republicans self-destruct. In the interim, the rest of us need to gear up for the off-year elections, including the midterms in 2018.
Where can I find this Mick Mulvaney, because I want to in no particular order: 1) Punch him in his fucking face, 2) Let him deal with my screaming two year old when she finds out there’s no more Daniel Tiger, and 3) Punch him in his fucking face again.
So paranoid lunatics with fascist leanings aren’t good leaders or managers and have a hard time hiring competent staff? Who knew?
“Hey! C’mon, man! Don’t drag me into this!”
Why is Ted Cruz next to Trump?
Given the current “leadership” in DC, I assume that the women will be held responsible for being women.