
You’re an idiot.

Yep. Which is exactly how it should be handled, every fucking time.

If only fucktwit feminists would stop insisting that schools investigate assault claims instead of the police.

What did the police say?

1) Presumably, none of the performers were forced at gunpoint to participate.

Sanders said his litmus test for a SCOTUS pick would be his or her willingness to overturn Citizens United, the ruling that treats corporate money-flinging in election as free speech

High schools shouldn’t be investigating sexual assaults, you unbelievable fucking idiot.

You seem like a piece of shit.

Buzzfeed’s Amanda Chicago Lewis reports about the current state of the business, in which laws banning people with arrests or convictions for growing, moving and selling weed effectively shut out people of color from this incredibly profitable and increasingly “respectable” new industry.

I had this diatribe about fragile male egos, religious misogyny, and I just can’t. Too tired and I have to go to DMV.

Republicans and Democrats (politicians and their supporters) are drawn to strong authoritarian figures

That case was different. At least the Duke kids looked guilty enough to have charges brought against them. There’s nothing to indicate this kid did a damn thing wrong (other than have sex with a lunatic).

You’re a moron.

I have been lucky enough not to experience sexual assault on campus

Except for the fact that there’s no evidence he did anything wrong...

No. What’s appropriate is for the university to stay out of the business of investigating accusations of assault and let police do it. Until/unless somebody is, at minimum, charged with a crime, the university has no business being involved.

If you believe his version of the story he had sex with a girl hes slept with 3 times previously, and a few hours after the sex she went back into his room and slept in his bed with him

It’s a shame the kid hasn’t had due process.

Yeah. Fucking Yale and it’s sports-first attitude. It’s a goddamn diploma mill.

So, you’re bitching because sports media takes it seriously.