
The next Democrat to give a shit about government overreach will be the first.

You’re an idiot.

11 Democrats voted for the North Carolina bill.

You’re an idiot.

You’re an idiot.

Just two weeks after Missouri Republicans forced the passage of a bill that would make it legal for businesses to discriminate against the LGBT community

You’re an idiot.

You’re a piece of shit.

You’re garbage.

Don’t worry about her. Given this:

I’m overcome with hate

Possibly you’re not aware, but nuns don’t write legislation.

You’re an idiot.

You’re an idiot, and an awful person.

Reagan was a piker compared to Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon.

Oh my God it’s so clever how you managed to make this about men instead of terrorists! Fight the patriarchy, AMIRITE?

“group of gentrifiers”

You’re not well.

Gentrification is real and palpable