
Alvarez has failed to file charges against police officers

Bobby’s a dipshit.

Its probably being reported misleadingly for clicks.

It’s embarrassing to bring your own instead of mooching?

Women have their periods for 30 or 40 years. So yes, it’s extremely common for a woman to be caught out somewhere without a tampon.

Yeah, actually, he has.

You can’t expect them to go out of their way to find black cameramen!

Obama governs as a center-left politician


What did the police say when the “victim” told them about the “assault?”

You have an awfully low opinion of women.

We believe that it defies logic and common sense that a woman would seek to re-connect and get back into bed with a man who she says forced her to have unwanted sex just hours earlier.

You should probably ask your psychiatrist to up your dosage.

Defending oneself against false accusations by a lunatic is “monstrous?”

bore the weight of her assault

The request for censorship troubled me

You can’t expect a library to get rid of all the children’s books with subtle sexist messages.

I feel so bad for that child.

“no discernible reason”

lol “fix rape culture.”