Ah. Nice to see the classless slags at Jezebel using the occasion of a woman’s death to say shitty things about her in the comments section.
Ah. Nice to see the classless slags at Jezebel using the occasion of a woman’s death to say shitty things about her in the comments section.
You’re a dipshit.
You’re a dipshit. There’s no such thing as an “unwanted child” in the US.
Actually, the response from most Pro-Life supporters would be “seek any of the plentiful resources for adoption,” or “seek any of the plentiful resources for help paying for pre and post-natal care for you and your child.”
This won’t make conservatives change their minds at all
You’re unhinged.
Welcome to Jezebel. Their operating editorial philosophy is that women are helpless children who can’t make decisions for themselves, so anything they do must be a man’s fault.
You seem like a uniquely terrible human being?
“Factually incorrect” is the Jezebel business model.
Sanders not being president is a good thing, not a bad thing, and you’re a dipshit.
You’re an idiot.
You’re an idiot
Progressives tend to not much care about justice.
No, he didn’t.
Neither Polanski’s, Allen’s, or Cosby’s work should be removed from viewing if people still want to see them.
Progressives in general, and Jezbians in particular, are among the worst people on Earth.
Fuck you, you unbelievable piece of shit.
progressive executive orders and like...doing right by people...
Or, maybe sometimes shit just has to be the way it is, and there’s no use crying about it.