

Ha, "pasta", I spaghettit!

Damn, that looks like dirty snow!

Nicely said.

Yeah right, I bet you're also part of it! :)

Does anyone else think all of this "leaking" of information sounds very suspicious? I bet this is just Ubisoft's marketing department trying to build hype for the game. And it definitely appears to be working.

Yeah, if someone tried to rape her, she could just snap the perp's spine like a tooth pick.

Thank you, but no, thank you. I prefer my women less "schwarzeneggery".

I don't think Apple's ever done that. And frankly, I don't think they ever will. The world is full of people screaming "shut up and take my money" at Apple, even if that means purchasing a relatively expensive device. So there's no need to sell hardware at a loss.

I don't think Apple's ever done that. And frankly, I don't think they ever will. The world is full of people screaming "shut up and take my money" at Apple, even if that means purchasing a relatively expensive device.

When that star finally go supernova, it will outshine it's entire galaxy for a while. Stop and think about that for a second. A galaxy with probably billions of stars will be outshined by the explosion of a single one. That never ceases to amaze me.

I don't know man, "95-percent of the time" isn't good enough when dealing with shit.

Thanks for all the details, but I still think it's fucking stupid.

Yeah, I agree on both.

So your boss purchased a cheap ass tablet on Groupon to showcase his company's work to his customers? That's not a very good boss :)

I'm just gonna leave this here.

It is bluetooth. It says so right there in the article.

I don't expect studios to release bug free games, but releasing what eventually becomes an unplayable game like the PS3 version of Skyrim is simply inexcusable.

The only way something like this could work would be if a considerable amount of people decided to stop purchasing Apple devices, hurting the company in the only place where it really hurts: its pocket.

Thanks for all the useful tips on how to be a criminal! :)