
They do have oil, but not nearly as much as Abu Dhabi.

You still look like you're reading Gizmodo to me!

I played the first game, and it bored me to death. To many damn puzzles! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against puzzles, but the game did a terrible job in balancing combat and puzzle sequences. After solving one to many puzzles, I'd be left craving for some combat, some action, and what did I get? More darned

I think Gizmodo broke that website, with the sudden peak in traffic.

Nice try, Symantec.

I've been to Spain twice and I've never faced that problem there. Italy, on the other hand, is probably worse than China. The most impolite people I've ever had the displeasure to meet.

Interesting article. But dude, you really should learn how to use commas!

I don't think watches will ever become irrelevant. At least the luxury ones. I think there will always be a market for the fancy, expensive watches. It's not really about how practical they are, it's about social status.

I thought it was funny!

This has to be one of the most stupid things I've ever read. They really should focus their attention and resources on stopping violation of human rights that occur in a place a little more relevant called REAL LIFE!

That thing right there is an excellent way to remind me that I'm actually a little girl.

Yeah, I guess you're right. I mean, if you offered me a million dollars to punch me in the face, I would probably accept.

I really don't get all this Black Friday madness. I would never put myself through all this humiliation, no matter how good the deal was. My dignity and self respect don't have a price.


The weather on Mars will probably be cold and dry ;)

If they go forward with this, I'll definitely check it out. But I'll just assume it will be a horrible movie until proven wrong.

Bacon. No doubt about it. It might not be a dessert to YOU.

Stupid comment system, won't show the image.

Fireballs falling from the sky?

That thing looks a bit like a PS3.