My real name

Wait, does that mean you can catch it if you're able to cradle the ball against your chest without moving your arms outward? 

I wouldn’t consider American a race, but I’ve had someone say it to me and I was offended, which doesn’t happen often.


That's the whole thing to me. The logical conclusion is that he's already sleeping with her, otherwise what's the optics issue? 

Who intentionally quotes Hitchens? 

No shit, the day my grandpa needed to cave in and get a walker, he bought "the matching shoes." Literally, your picture, but I think the swoosh was even less attention grabbing. 

I’d be for granting a team points and moving on for certain fouls.

Getting REAL sick of the commenters and their anti-Wheel of Fortune agenda.

It works out to just about 400,000 DR pesos.

Because there's one camera capable of, at minimum, full HD per spectator. 

A fucking furniture dealer has a profit margin of 43%?

My girlfriend is 23 and can identify the episode, what is being said, and what line comes next by looking at a single frame of an Office episode. It's a big part of why I'm in love. 

Yep. And it’s overpriced for tortas, but downright inexpensive, even ignoring food quality, for airport food. I used to order two and take one home with me (it’s a 20-minute flight home from there.)

Honestly, no. 

Yeah, I mean, knock yourself out. 

Unfortunately, and I mean this seriously, I don't think he would be able to form that sentence. It has some form of wit. 

True, but there is a huge age split there too. 

That's different, that would be a topless photo of a woman. 

Please post video of you taking a sip of water.

Yep. I wish we had counties on our plates so people could identify the Madison and Milwaukee people separate from "AW JEEZ YER GOOOOIN TOO FAAERST WHAT DA FRICK" Wisconsin.