My real name

Honestly at this point I think it's that he's got a kind of cool name. 

Fast food/diner (two separate places) in a working class area for 18 months total. Never saw it, never joked about it. 

Just...let him/'s fine. 

Not sure what you’re getting at. He’s going to the Supreme Court. Questioning his rulings is roughly as meaningful as the "life lessons" the junkie homeless guy outside my building likes to give me.

Now I kinda hope it acts like a group text. 

God, this kinja is amazing. 

Does anyone still use radar? Everything here is LIDAR. I hate it. 

Coming from a Packers fan, if he plays like this each game, it was worth it. 

Yeah and more than that, he paid for the abortion. Are we really going to listen to the opinion of an admitted murderer? /s

No you didn’t.

I think the official policy should be to take the high road, but as a personal matter I truly don't care what the prisoners do to him. 

Cool, go try both words out on the street and report back with your findings. 

Not really, because he was being a little bitch. I use that term way more with men than women, because we men tend to curl up and be little bitches more often. 

Because he was being a little bitch. 

If insurance tried to cover speeding tickets, then your analogy would work, and yeah that would likely be illegal (or, at best, stupid for a number of reasons.)

First they came for the turbodouches, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a turbodouche.

It's not a stretch or technicality if it's NY law and we're talking about actions of that state's governor. It is, well, how it's supposed to work. 

Um. No, I would not be in favor of extrajudicial execution for that.

... Why? The Safeway people are on record saying they have no idea what the cops were doing because they reported a man was doing it. 

Hey, I’m a white guy too!