There are definitely higher costs. Your suppliers are limited, including for maintenance. It’s too high but there’s some argument for markup similar to markup in large cities.
There are definitely higher costs. Your suppliers are limited, including for maintenance. It’s too high but there’s some argument for markup similar to markup in large cities.
Nah, you can totally bring food as long as it isn’t soupy or saucy. It’s still subject to the liquid rules.
It’s been able to persist because about 30% of travel is for business, so many travelers aren’t paying for it. And HMShost may be a near-monopoly.
He really, really looks like a...person who wouldn’t enjoy playing on a basketball team.
They’re featured on a national sports site right now, so there’s some social capital.
I pay attention to gaming at something very close to the national mean. Other than, I assume, a new Smash Bros that is objectively awesome and takes no advantage of the unique platform and a Metroid that can credibly be delivered on an HTML5 site, what else should I wait for? Zelda is the new Sonic. LET IT FREE.
This GIF always needs the Springsteen option.
I think it’s that they don’t have anyone they can make that gross.
Yes, but with the fanciest use of each word, this is reversed. It’s like a secret level in a video game that only nerds can unlock.
I’m coming in a year late, but Jesus Christ, have a star.
God, if we were at 18' latitude it’d be so warm right now.
Nice comment-username synergy there.
There’s an ad that explicitly mentions the opioids.
It’s not that far off from cold soup and I like those.
So, is military form with hands under your chest or spread out?
God damn, Brandy Jensen. What happened?
I used to go to one in Milwaukee! They always had really weird games too.
Yeah, you’re coming in a little hot here. Mistakes/Doing something bad at work has a much larger effect for most people reading this. This is just an inconvenience, I doubt paying $25 extra for a preowned happens all that often.
I didn’t get slammed, but this was the first weekend I’ve ever seen a spam message on my PS4. (Not sure how common spam is. I use a weird name that I don’t use elsewhere, so I maybe avoided being on name lists.)
I think “Incoherent Screaming” on a sign would do nicely.