
That experience is pretty typical IMO when you work in fashion/retail.

Those pine tree things make me want to puke.

I’m glad you are happy with your wife.Good luck to her!

Actually I was a size 0. Thin, Asian, and hot. I'm still hot but with kids. I certainly wouldn't ever have given you the time of day back then nor now. Have a nice day!

Oh it is really really good. You get it in the refrigerator section. It’s like the peach in a syrup kind of stuff but 100x better. It’s in grapefruit juice. I could eat 10 cups in one sitting which is why I don’t buy it anymore. I also like fresh grapefruit too

I like grapefruit. It's so delicious. Have you had the Costco grapefruit in a cup? Omg it's awesome.

Wow that is really nice.

Pretty much everyone in that picture looks awful.

Ok, you need to dish!

Listen, you. I was an A cup in my 20s and had to beat men off with a stick whenever I went to a bar while living in NYC. All types of men. White, black, Hispanic, whatever. Not one of them complained of my tiny chest.

I really don’t understand this at all. Was she blindfolded the entire time? She just blindfolded herself and lay in bed until the guy/woman showed up?And this was someone she considered a boyfriend? was it like some kind of Dom/Sub thing? So many questions!

I feel like it's so British of her, telling Americans that they are vulgar.

I like skittles.

How much money did you give to this fund? Because unless you actually hear about it on the news or whatnot, no one will contribute to it.

I can’t believe all the people here who feel sorry for her. She killed a 5 year old child. That's not ok.

I read an article where the grandparents were blaming child services because they took custody of the child and said she was unfit. Apparently this caused a “good mother” to kill her son. I get that they are upset but seems to me that child services did the right fucking thing since the woman killed her child! What

I knew someone who dated him, before he became super famous. Last I heard they were still friends but that was years ago. At the time he was very famous so I see no reason why they still wouldn't be friends

I don't blame them for wanting Chloe. She is more famous and super pretty. I have seen pics of the other girl and some pictures she is pretty and other pictures she looks kind of awkward. I haven't ever seen one picture of Chloe moretz where she doesn't look pretty. She has great genes.

You know I don't think I felt repulsed with the Andrew thing. I forgot about that. Also jon Tenney is good looking. Lol.

I don’t know if the fact I know that Portia is a lesbian also colors my opinion of it. I mean, if I had to act and make out with a woman I would feel all awkward and weird. I don’t think I would enjoy it so I would assume it’s not enjoyable for her. And also the guy who plays David is just not attractive to me either.