Thanks Ben
Thanks Ben
No one believes in killing babies, you stupid fuck
Yes, how dare they give their child unconditional love!
Nowadays? Everyone.
She only got sick a month ago
She and her owners raised millions for charity. What have you done with your life?
Equally deserving, absolutely.
Of course you are.
We won't.
No one believes you, troll
It's been over a year and she brings him up nearly every show. Of course, he's the only reason she's on tv, so.....
Thank god you weighed in. Asshole
1. Not all sandwiches smell
Eat a bag of dicks
Right. Like the family will let a warts and all biopic be made. Hard pass.
Will they include the completely innocent sleepovers where he raped little boys?
Kinda missing the point.
She is the definition of a try-hard.
Is there nothing else going on in Ohio? Abortion is the only thing on their agenda?