What does that have to do with a woman talking on her phone? Maybe police need to stop escalating routine situations.
What does that have to do with a woman talking on her phone? Maybe police need to stop escalating routine situations.
Bullshit. She can stand wherever she damn well pleases.
I'll pay money to see Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu in a theater. I won’t pay to see Kristen Stewart and her costars I can't even name. The days when people paid money to see Kristen Stewart died with Twilight.
Do you want to win or do you want for more years of shitgibbon antics, children in cages, women dying of sepsis and LGBTQ rights being eroded?
Nice whataboutism. Maybe both the Sarah Dessens and Ernest Hemingways should go fuck themselves and that “petty girl” made a wise choice?
I like how people think that a grown man having sleepovers with little boys isn’t abnormal. Anyone else on earth did that you'd be screaming pedophile at the top of your lungs.
Hope he’s burning in hell and I hope you join him there. Care more about a celebrity’s legacy than the wellbeing of victims. Fuck you.
Not even close, asshole
More than you have
Stabbed in the back? That's the figure of speech you want to go with?
But did he kill Stacey Stites? None of the claims you’ve mentioned are punishable by death—assuming he actually committed them.
But did he kill Stacey Stites? You don't get put to death for rape or kidnapping--assuming he committed those crimes either.
Acid attacks occur all over the world.
Donna Summer became an icon because of the gay community. And she took her her christianity and used it to shoot all over them. I love a genderqueer covering that bigoted bitch's music. Hope she’s spinning in her homophobic grave.
Ugh, your writing tries way too hard
Seriously, do not encourage this try hard.
So he treats the military with the same respect he shows first responders. He’s a fucking monster.
Are you using a 3 year old girls murder to make a point? Fuck you.
Jezebel writes are not as clever as they think they are.
Ssurprised no one mentioned the age difference. She's barely legal.