
Piss off.

Good. If this is how you handle a(n unwitting) shoplifting complaint, you don’t deserve a badge.

We know they're black 


She got only ten years for murder. She should be grateful.

Because the phoniness rolls off of her in waves.

Plumber.... I'm sorry, I thought we were just firing off random words irregardless of their definition. 

Look who doesn’t know how words work.

According to her PR people. Spare me.

They do if it gets them press.

Says who? Miley? Please!

Go fuck yourself, white bread.

Don’t like it? Leave.

You are a fucking moron.

Amazing that two models produced such a homely daughter. 

Because you didn’t watch the clip?

A child watched his aunt be murdered. There is no good news here.

She never said she got the part, just that she auditioned. In your 20s an actor goes on a lot of auditions for jobs they don’t get.

This guy did not hit his head.

Say woman of color a few more times. Not everyone can hear the dog whistle.